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Figur 2. Year to year variation in total lmercury (THg) concentrations (mg/kg wet weight, ww) in fillet of tusk (Brosme brosme) caught near the wreck of U-864. Top: Concentration of THg (mg/kg ww, left) and fish weight (g, right) every year from 2005-2021. For each year, mean ± 95% confidence intervals are given. The long term mean values (2005-2021) are shown as dotted horizontal lines for THg (maroon) and for fish weight (green). EU and Norway’s maximum level for THg is marked with a continuous red line. Bottom: Length adjusted Log10 Hg (Least square means) per year (2007-2021) obtained by ANCOVA with fish length as covariate. ANCOVA results are shown.
Brosme Hg vs year 2005-2021.png