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Figure NI43.1. Composite light attenuation in the shallow (<100 m) and deep (>100 m) areas of the North Sea. Panels A and B show the geographical locations of the Secchi disk and chlorophyll a sampling stations, respectively. The stars denote the shallow and deep location at which annual mean Secchi disk depth and chlorophyll a concentrations have been statistically estimated. Panel C shows light attenuation estimated from Secchi disk depth measurements (KS) and chlorophyll a concentrations (KPHY) at shallow and deep locations (marked with stars in top panels). Error bars denote the standard error of the mean, while blue and green lines and shading indicate mean and confidence intervals of the models. Panel D denotes the corresponding background light attenuation (KB) for same the deep (dark brown) and shallow (light brown) locations. Modified from Opdal et al. (2019).
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