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Samuel Subbey

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Avdeling: Fiskeridynamikk


Analyse av fiskeri data, tidsserieanalyse for å identifisere årsaksforhold, og tidsserier modellering og prediksjon. Jeg er ellers opptatt med forskning for å utvikle et rammeverk for enkle ('parsimonious') bestandsmodeller med høy prediktiv evne. Rammeverket tar hensyn til data og modell parameter usikkerhet, og gjør det mulig for å spore hvordan disse usikkerhetene forplanter seg gjennom modelleringsprosessen og hvordan detter påvirker modellprekdisjoner og andre kvoterådparametrer.


Vitenskapelige artikler (NVI)


Mathematical pre- conditions for existence of the stock-recruitment function

Ute Schaarschmidt, Anna-Simone Josene Frank, and Sam Subbey

Ecient Large-Scale Simulation of Fish Schooling Behavior Using Voronoi Tessellations and Fuzzy Clustering

S Arabeei, Talal Rahman, and S. Subbey

Tracking capelin spawning migration–integrating environmental data and individual-based modeling

S Arabeei, S. Subbey, and Talal Rahman

Ecient cpu-optimized parameter estimation for modeling sh schooling behavior in large particle systems

S Arabeei and S. Subbey

Arctic Fisheries Working Group (AFWG; outputs from 2022 meeting)

Daniel Howell, Jane Aanestad Godiksen, Caroline Aas Tranang, Erik Berg, Matthias Bernreuther, Bjarte Bogstad, Olav Nikolai Breivik, Jose Miguel Casas, Laura Clain, Elise Eidset, Elena Eriksen, Johanna Jennifer Elisabeth Fall, Maria Fossheim, Harald Gjøsæter, Sofie Gundersen, Elvar Halldor Hallfredsson, Hannes Höffle, Edda Johannessen, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Anders Nielsen, Georg Skaret, Arved Staby, Brian Stock, Samuel Subbey, Ross Tallman, John Tyler Trochta, Tone Vollen, Kristin Windsland
ICES Scientific Reports 5 p. 1-507

Dynamic spatio-temporal zero-inflated Poisson models for predicting capelin distribution in the Barents Sea

Shonosuke Sugasawa, Tomoyuki Nakagawa, Hiroko Kato Solvang, Samuel Subbey, Salah Alrabeei
Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science (JJSD)

Spatial and temporal patterns of capelin (Mallotus villosus) spawning sites in the Barents Sea

Salah Alrabeei, Samuel Subbey, Sofie Gundersen, Harald Gjøsæter
Fisheries Research 244

Caveats with estimating natural mortality rates in stock assessment models using age aggregated catch data and abundance indices

Magne Tommy Aldrin, Fredrik L Aanes, Ingunn Fride Tvete, Sondre Aanes, Samuel Subbey
Fisheries Research 243 p. 1-8

Population dynamic regulators in an empirical predator-prey system

Anna-Simone Josefine Frank, S. Subbey, Melanie Kobras, H. Gjøsæter
Journal of Theoretical Biology 527 p. 1-9

Maturation in the Barents Sea capelin – Contrasting length- and gonad-based metrics

Natoya Jourdain, Edvin Fuglebakk, Samuel Subbey
Fisheries Research 237 p. 1-7

A logistic function to track time-dependent fish population dynamics

Mahmood Jokar, Samuel Subbey, Harald Gjøsæter
Fisheries Research 236

Crowding effects in an empirical predator-prey system

S. Subbey, A. Frank and M. Kobras

Crowding Effects in an Empirical Predator-Prey System

Anna-Simone Josefine Frank, Samuel Subbey, Melanie Kobras

The specification of the data model part in the SAM model matters

Magne Tommy Aldrin, Ingunn Fride Tvete, Sondre Aanes, Samuel Subbey
Fisheries Research 229

Integrating hawkes process- And biomass models to capture impulsive population dynamics

Tomoyuki Nakagawa, Samuel Subbey, Hiroko Kato Solvang
26 p. 153-170

Unraveling the recruitment problem: A review of environmentally-informed forecasting and management strategy evaluation

Melissa A. Haltuch, Elizabeth Brooks, Jon Brodziak, Jennifer Ann Devine, Kelli Johnsen, Nikolai Klibansky, Richard David Marriott Nash, Mark R. Payne, Kyle W Shertzer, Sam Subbey, Brian Kenneth Wells
Fisheries Research


Sam Subbey, Hiroko Kato Solvang

An improved methodology for quantifying causality in complex ecological systems

Hiroko Kato Solvang, Sam Subbey
PLOS ONE 14 p. 1-19

Parameter estimation in stock assessment modelling: Caveats with gradient-based algorithms

Subbey, Sam
ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 p. 1553-1559

Predictability of marine population trajectories affected by birth and harvest pulses

Anna-Simone Josefine Frank, Sam Subbey
259 p. 363-374

Comments on incongruous formulations in the SAM (state-space assessment model) model and consequences for fish stock assessment

Magne Tommy Aldrin, Sondre Aanes, Sam Subbey
Fisheries Research 210 p. 224-227

Causal Drivers of Barents Sea Capelin (Mallotus villosus) Population Dynamics on Different Time Scales

Sam Subbey, Hiroko Kato Solvang, Anna-Simone Josefine Frank
ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 p. 621-630

A parametrized stock-recruitment relationship derived from a slow-fast population dynamic model

Ute-Alexandra Schaarschmidt, Trond Steihaug, Sam Subbey
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 145 p. 171-185

Combined effect of birth and harvest impulses on dynamics of a single-species marine population

Anna-Simone Josefine Frank, Sam Subbey
Journal of Coupled Systems and Multiscale Dynamics 5 p. 243-249

Regularization of a parameter estimation problem using monotonicity and convexity constraints.

Subbey, Sam
ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys

Exploring stochasticity and imprecise knowledge based on linear inequality constraints

Sam Subbey, Benjamin Planque, Ulf Lindstrøm
Journal of Mathematical Biology p. 1-21

Multiple patterns of food web dynamics revealed by a minimal non-deterministic model

Ulf Lindstrøm, Benjamin Planque, Sam Subbey
Ecosystems 20 p. 163-182

Derivative-free optimization for population dynamic models

Ute-Alexandra Schaarschmidt, Trond Steihaug, Sam Subbey
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 359 p. 391-402

A retrospective evaluation of the Barents Sea capelin management advice

Harald Gjøsæter, Bjarte Bogstad, Sigurd Tjelmeland, Sam Subbey
Marine Biology Research 11 p. 135-143

Linking tagging technology and molecular genetics to gain insight in the spatial dynamics of two stocks of cod in Northeast Atlantic waters

Kathrine Michalsen, Torild Johansen, Sam Subbey, Alexander Christian Beck
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 p. 1417-1432

Non-deterministic modelling of food-web dynamics

Benjamin Planque, Ulf Lindstrøm, Sam Subbey

Krill, climate, and contrasting future scenarios for Arctic and Antarctic fisheries

Margaret McBride, Padmini Dalpadado, Kennneth F. Drinkwater, Olav Rune Godø, Alistair Hobday, Anne B. Hollowed, Trond Kristiansen, Eugene J. Murphy, Patrick H Ressler, Sam Subbey, Eileen E. Hofmann, Harald Loeng
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 p. 1934-1955

Modelling and forecasting stock-recruitment: Current and future perspectives

Sam Subbey, Jennifer Ann Devine, Ute-Alexandra Schaarschmidt, Richard David Marriott Nash
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 p. 2307-2322

Analysing migrations of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in the north-east Atlantic Ocean: then, now and the future

Stefan Neuenfeldt, David Righton, Francis Neat, Peter J. Wright, Henrik Svedäng, Kathrine Michalsen, Sam Subbey, Petur Steingrund, Vilhjalmur Thorsteinsson, Christophe Pampoulie, Ken Haste Andersen, Michael W. Pedersen, Julian Metcalfe
Journal of Fish Biology 82 p. 741-763

Probability-based surveying using self-sampling to estimate catch and effort in Norway’s coastal tourist fishery

Jon Helge Vølstad, Knut Korsbrekke, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Merete Nilsen, Gro Nesheim Nilsson, Michael Robert Pennington, Sam Subbey, Rupert Wienerroither
ICES Journal of Marine Science 68 p. 1785-1791

A tool for analyzing information from data storage tags: the continuous wavelet transform (CWT)

Sam Subbey, Kathrine Michalsen, Geir Kjetil Nilsen
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 18 p. 301-312

Reducing Fisheries Model Complexity Using a Finite Fourier Series Parameterization

Sam Subbey, Daniel Howell, Bjarte Bogstad, Morten Åsnes
Fisheries Research 84 p. 390-394

Quantifying uncertainty in flow functions derived from SCAL data - USS relative permeability and capillary pressure

Sam Subbey, H Monfared, M Christie, M Sambridge
Transport in Porous Media 65

Reservoir description using dynamic parameterisation selection with a combined stochastic and gradient search

Lars Kristian Nielsen, Sam Subbey, Mike Christie, Trond Mannseth
Computational Geosciences 10 p. 321-342

The impact of uncertain centrifuge capillary pressure on reservoir simulation

Sam Subbey, Michael F. Christie, malcolm sambridge
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 26 p. 537-557

Prediction under uncertainty in reservoir modeling

Sam Subbey, Michael F. Christie, malcolm sambridge
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 44 p. 143-153

Generating Multiple Data-fit Fishery Models using Gadget

Sam Subbey, Daniel Howell, Bjarte Bogstad
ICES Journal of Marine Science p. 390-394

Uncertainty reduction in reservoir modeling

Sam Subbey, Michael F. Christie, malcolm sambridge
Contemporary Mathematics 295 p. 457-467

Estimation of capillary pressure curves from centrifuge data - a semi-iterative approach.

Sam Subbey, Jan-Erik Nordtvedt
Computational Geosciences 6 p. 207-224

Multiple history-matched models for Teal South

Michael F. Christie, Collin MacBeth, Sam Subbey
The Leading Edge 21 p. 286-289

Annet tidsskriftbidrag


Corrigendum: Parameter estimation in stock assessment modelling: Caveats with gradient-based algorithms (ICES Journal of Marine Science (2018) DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsy044)

Subbey, Sam
ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 p. 1511

Faglige foredrag


The data model part of SAM matters

Magne Tommy Aldrin, Sondre Aanes, Ingunn Fride Tvete, Samuel Subbey

Predictability of Marine Population Trajectories under the Effect of Birth and Harvest Pulses

Anna-Simone Josefine Frank, Sam Subbey

Estimating Parameters for an Ordinary Differential Equation Model Using a Neighborhood Approximation Algorithm (CS-BSM #5)

Subbey, Sam

The (Un)Predictability of Population Dynamic Trajectories

Sam Subbey, Anna-Simone Josefine Frank, Benjamin Planque

Deriving Causal Drivers of Population Dynamics on Different Time Scales (CM Code–1:242)

Hiroko Kato Solvang, Sam Subbey, Anna-Simone Josefine Frank

The Predictability and Prediction Horizon of Population Dynamic Trajectories (CM Code–1:240).

Anna-Simone Josefine Frank, Sam Subbey

Emergent properties of a multi-stage population dynamics model

Ute-Alexandra Schaarschmidt, Sam Subbey, Richard David Marriott Nash

Structural uncertainty in population dynamic models

Ute-Alexandra Schaarschmidt, Sam Subbey, Trond Steihaug

Derivative-Free Optimization for Population Dynamic Models

Ute-Alexandra Schaarschmidt, Trond Steihaug, Sam Subbey

Modeling and uncertainty quantification of the dynamics of a biosystem under vague knowledge

Subbey, Sam

Numerical Study of a System of Delay Differential Equations With Impulses

Anna-Simone Josefine Frank, Sam Subbey

A Stock-recruitment Relationship Derived from a Slow-fast Population Dynamic Model

Ute-Alexandra Schaarschmidt, Sam Subbey, Trond Steihaug

A Stock-recruitment Relationship Derived from a Slow-fast Population Dynamic Model

Ute Schaarshmidt, Sam Subbey, Trond Steihaug

Approximate Uncertainty Quantification Using Vague Knowledge

Sam Subbey, Benjamin Planque, Ulf Lindstrøm

Tracking Uncertainty Propagation in a Fisheries Population Dynamics Model

Sam Subbey, Lennart Frimannslund, Hans Skaug

Non deterministic modeling of food web dynamics

Benjamin Planque, Ulf Lindstrøm, Sam Subbey

Ecosystems modelled from the outside

Benjamin Planque, Ulf Lindstrøm, Sam Subbey

How can increased temperature affect the dynamics of the Barents Sea food web?

Benjamin Planque, Ulf Lindstrøm, Sam Subbey

Correlations, Causalities, and the Prediction of Fisheries Time Series

Anna-Simone Josefine Frank, Sam Subbey, Hiroko Kato Solvang

A retrospective evaluation of the Barents Sea capelin management advice

Harald Gjøsæter, Bjarte Bogstad, Sigurd Tjelmeland, Samuel Subbey

Uncertainty properties of the Barents Sea capelin abundance estimate

Sigurd Tjelmeland, Harald Gjøsæter, Samuel Subbey

Multispecies considerations in stock assessments: yes we can

Daniel Howell, Sam Subbey

Assessing adequate level of sampling in monitoring programs to support stock assessment and estimation of biological reference points for Northeast Arctic Cod (Paper J:07)

Sondre Aanes, Sam Subbey, Jon Helge Vølstad

Cod predation on capelin. WD # 15 to AFWG

Edda Johannesen, Samuel Subbey, Andrey V. Dolgov, Dmitry Prozorkevich, Sigurd Tjelmeland, Bjarte Bogstad, Sigbjørn Mehl, Harald Gjøsæter

A stochastic dynamic food web model for the Barents Sea ecosystem. ICES CM 2012/A:19

Ulf Lindstrøm, Benjamin Planque, Sam Subbey

Modelling vertical fish migration using mixed Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes

Erik Natvig, Sam Subbey

The Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm in parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification

Mohammed Alfaki, Samuel Subbey, Dag Haugland

Quantification of Uncertainty due to Subgrid Heterogeneity in Reservoir Models

Hirofumi Okano, Gillian Pickup, Michael F. Christie, Sam Subbey, malcolm sambridge

Quantifying prediction uncertainty in reservoir modelling using streamline simulation

Michael F. Christie, Sam Subbey, malcolm sambridge, Marco Thiele

Quantification of Uncertainty in Relative Permeability for Coarse-Scale Reservoir Simulation

Hirofumi Okano, Gillian E. Pickup, Michael F. Christie, Sam Subbey, malcolm sambridge

Application of neighbourhood algorithm to uncertainty assessment in reservoir characterisation: PUNQ-S3 problem

Vasily Demyanov, Michael F. Christie, Sam Subbey

Uncertainty assessment in PUNQ-S3 - neighbourhood algorithm framework for geostatistical modelling

Vasily Demyanov, Sam Subbey, Michael F. Christie

Uncertainty and upscaling in reservoir modelling

Michael F. Christie, Gillian Pickup, Sam Subbey, Vasily Demyanov, Alannah O'Sullivan, Hashem Monfared, Demet Erbas, Pinggang Zhang

A Strategy for Rapid Quantification of Uncertainty in Reservoir Performance Prediction

Sam Subbey, Michael F. Christie, malcolm sambridge

Quantifying Uncertainty in Reservoir Performance Prediction

Sam Subbey, Michael F. Christie, malcolm sambridge

Prediction under uncertainty in reservoir modeling

Sam Subbey, Michael F. Christie, malcolm sambridge



Warming up the Barents Sea food web

Benjamin Planque, Lia Siegelman-Charbit, Ulf Lindstrøm, Sam Subbey

Rapporter og avhandlinger


Advice on fishing opportunities for Barents Sea capelin in 2024 — ICES subareas 1 and 2 excluding Division 2.a west of 5°W

Daniel Howell, Anders Nielsen, Brian Stock, Kotaro Ono, Laura Clain, Maria Fossheim, Thomas de Lange Wenneck, Alf Harbitz, Alfonso Pérez Rodriguez, Ane Iriondo, Arved Staby, Bjarte Bogstad, Berengere Husson, C. Tara Marshall, Caroline Aas Tranang, Edda Johannesen, Eduardas Vozgirdas, Elena Eriksen, Elise Eidset, Elvar H. Hallfredsson, Erik Berg, Georg Skaret, Hannes Höffle, Jan Arge Jacobsen, Jan Erik Stiansen, Jane Aanestad Godiksen, Jerzy Janusz, Johanna Jennifer Elisabeth Fall, John Tyler Trochta, Jon Ruiz Gondra, José Miguel Casas Sanchez, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Kordian Trella, Kristin Windsland, Matthias Bernreuther, Mikko Vihtakari, Olav Nikolai Breivik, Ricardo Alpoim, Ross Tallman, Samuel Subbey, Silje Elisabeth Seim, Sofie Gundersen, Sondre Nedreås Hølleland, Stine Karlson, Tone Vollen
IMR/PINRO Joint Report Series

Final report for the REDUS project - Reduced Uncertainty in Stock Assessment

Erik Joel Steinar Olsen, Sondre Aanes, Magne Tommy Aldrin, Olav Nikolai Breivik, Edvin Fuglebakk, Daisuke Goto, Nils Olav Handegard, Cecilie Hansen, Arne Johannes Holmin, Daniel Howell, Espen Johnsen, Natoya Jourdain, Knut Korsbrekke, Kotaro Ono, Håkon Magne Otterå, Holly Ann Perryman, Samuel Subbey, Guldborg Søvik, Ibrahim Umar, Sindre Vatnehol, Jon Helge Vølstad

Multiple time–scale dynamics of stage structured populations and derivative–free optimization

Ute-Alexandra Schaarschmidt, Trond Steihaug, Sam Subbey

Report of the Arctic Fisheries Working Group, Copenhagen, 19-25 April 2017. ICES C.M. 2017/ACOM:06

Daniel Howell, Asgeir Aglen, Bjarte Bogstad, Anatoly Chetyrkin, Elvar H. Hallfredsson, Yuri A. Kovalev, Sarah-Louise Millar, Benjamin Planque, Alexey A. Russkikh, Arved Staby, Sam Subbey, Dmitry A. Vasilyev, Natalia A. Yaragina, Tone Vollen, Matthias Bernreuther, Jose Miguel Casas, Ross Tallman

Report of the second workshop on Management Plan Evaluation on Northeast Arctic cod and haddock and Barents Sea capelin (WKNEAMP-2), 25–28 January 2016, Kirkenes, Norway

Bjarte Bogstad, Asgeir Aglen, Hoskuldur Bjornsson, Anatoly Chetyrkin, Gjert Endre Dingsør, Yuri A. Kovalev, Hans Lassen, Alexey Russkikh, Dmitry Prozorkevich, Sam Subbey, Dmitry Vasiliyev

Application of slow-fast population dynamic models

Ute-Alexandra Schaarschmidt, Sam Subbey, Trond Steihaug

Modelling migration patterns of fish using depth and temperature preferences

Sam Subbey, Erik Natvig

Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of a Population Dynamics Model

Sam Subbey, Ute-Alexandra Schaarschmidt

Improving efficiency in parameter estimation using the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm

Mohammed Alfaki, Dag Haugland, Samuel Subbey

Application of the Neighbourhood Approximation Algorithm to Selected Benchmark Objective Functions

Sam Subbey, Barbara Wilhelm

Capillary Pressure Curves From Centrifuge Data – Inves- tigation of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) Methods

Sam Subbey, Jan-Erik Nordtvedt

Regularizing the Volterra integral equation - the capillary pressure case

Subbey, Samuel

Application of Integral Equations in Petroleum Technology

Subbey, Sam



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