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Lucia Drábiková

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Postdoctoral Fellow
Telephone: 55238500
Department: Reproduksjon og utviklingsbiologi


Academic articles


Elevated Water CO2 Can Prevent Dietary-Induced Osteomalacia in Post-Smolt Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar, L.)

Lucia Drábiková, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Muhammed Naveed Yousaf, Thea Morken, Adelbert De Clercq, Charles McGurk, P. Eckhard Witten

Elevated Water CO2 Can Prevent Dietary-Induced Osteomalacia in Post-Smolt Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar, L.)

Lucia Drábiková, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, M. Naveed Yousaf, Thea Morken, Adelbert De Clercq, Charles McGurk, P. Eckhard Witten
Biomolecules 13 p. 30

What will happen to my smolt at harvest? Individually tagged Atlantic salmon help to understand possible progression and regression of vertebral deformities

Lucia Drábiková, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Adelbert De Clercq, Muhammed Naveed Yousaf, Thea Morken, Charles McGurk, P. Eckhard Witten

What will happen to my smolt at harvest? Individually tagged Atlantic salmon help to understand possible progression and regression of vertebral deformities

Lucia Drábiková, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Adelbert De Clercq, M. Naveed Yousaf, Thea Morken, Charles McGurk, P. Eckhard Witten
Aquaculture 559 p. 17

Vertebral column adaptations in juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, L. as a response to dietary phosphorus

Lucia Drábiková, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Adelbert De Clercq, Muhammed Naveed Yousaf, Thea Morken, Charles McGurk, P. Eckhard Witten

Deformities prevalence in farmed ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) in relation to hatchery origin and life stage

Cavrois-Rogacki, T., Drabikova, L., Migaud, H., Davie, A.
Aquaculture 533 p. 11

Vertebral column adaptations in juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, L. as a response to dietary phosphorus

Lucia Drábiková, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Adelbert De Clercq, M. Naveed Yousaf, Thea Morken, Charles McGurk, P. Eckhard Witten
Aquaculture 541 p. 13

Deformities prevalence in farmed ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) in relation to hatchery origin and life stage

Thomas Cavrois-Rogacki, Lucia Drábiková, Herve Migaud, Andrew Davie

Scientific lectures


Seasonal variability in dietary phosphorus requirements in farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar

Lucia Drábiková, P. Eckhard Witten, Per Gunnar Fjelldal

A long-term developmental study of deformities in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, L.): the recovery of hyper-dense vertebrae

Lucia Drábiková, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Muhammed Naveed Yousaf, Thea Morken, Charles McGurk, P. Eckhard Witten

The effects of different levels of dietary phosphorus in freshwater on the skeleton of Atlantic salmon at harvest. A study based on individually tagged animals and repeated radiology

Drábiková, L., Fjelldal, P.G., De Clercq, Yousaf, M.N., Morken, T., McGurk, C., Witten, P.E.
International symposium on fish nutrition and feeding towards precision fish nutrition and feeding 2022

Do not oversupply Atlantic salmon with phosphorus. Low phosphorus related vertebral deformities can recover with recommended levels

Drábiková, L., Fjelldal, P.G., De Clercq, Yousaf, M.N., Morken, T., McGurk, C., Witten, P.E.
Aquaculture Europe 2022, Biomedaqu seminar

Re-think phosphorus: How salmon bone reacts to low and high phosphorus diets

Drábiková, L., Fjelldal, P.G., De Clercq, Yousaf, M.N., Morken, T., McGurk, C., Witten, P.E.
Aquaculture Europe 2022

A long-term developmental study of deformities in Atlantic salmon: the recovery of hyper-radiodense vertebrae

Drábiková, L., Fjelldal, P.G., De Clercq, Yousaf, M.N., Morken, T., McGurk, C., Witten, P.E.
Aquaculture Europe 2021



Bone matrix formation and mineralisation can be uncoupled. A study on Atlantic salmon fed diets deficient and oversupplied with phosphorus

Lucia Drábiková, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Thea Morken, M. Naveed Yousaf, P. Eckhard Witten
Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology 2022

Vertebral column adaptations in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, L. parr as a response to dietary phosphorus

Drábiková, L., Fjelldal, P.G., De Clercq, Yousaf, M.N., Morken, T., McGurk, C., Witten, P.E.
Aquaculture Europe 2020

Reports and dissertations


Re-thinking phosphorus: The effects of low and high dietary phosphorus on the development of the skeleton in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, L.)

Lucia Drábiková
Ghent University p. 242
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