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Practical training at the Institute of Marine Research in 2024

The list below shows current offers to students (college/university) for internships or professional practice at IMR, i.e. unpaid work. The student is required to write reports/blogs about the work she/he has done. The scope of work is usually 140-150 hours per semester, but some universities also offer subjects in research practice (and not just work practice) with approx. 240-250 hours (6-8 weeks). The aim of the internship is to give the students a practical and theoretical introduction to public and private enterprises in the seafood industry.

At some universities, the internship can be carried out over the whole semester according to an agreement between the student and the company, while the bachelor's program in

fisheries and aquaculture science at other universities has fixed weeks during which the students have internships in the companies/enterprises.

Identifying species from imagery – extracting and organising images of distinct species.

The MAREANO programme has been collecting video of the offshore seabed since 2006. This data forms the basis of many analyses, usually intended to help with marine management of sensitive ecosystems. Within the programme we are becoming increasingly aware of the value in maintaining a reference image catalogue of benthic/ demersal species which can help with training new staff, increasing consistency between observers, contributing to international species databases, and preparing datasets for automated analyses. We are therefore seeking someone interested in reviewing seabed video and compiling a catalogue of the distinct species that you see (you don’t have to name them, only recognise that they are different from each other). Further to this, depending on your skill and interest level, this work could be extended to: organising species images into taxonomic groups, identifying species to the highest taxonomic level possible, or even designing test datasets for training observers and testing consistency. We have thousands of hours of video so we need a lot of help!

Contactperson: Rebecca Ross, Rebecca.Ross@hi.no, FG Bunnsamfunn

Two internships at the Benthos laboratory in Bergen at MAREANO/IMR for students in marine biology.

The MAREANO research program at IMR offers work experience for two students at the benthos laboratory in Bergen. Mareano maps benthic communities and species diversity of benthic animals everywhere in Norwegian waters. The amount of physically collected material is enormous, and therefore we need extra help for sample processing. Tasks will mainly consist of weighing and counting animals as well as keeping results in our database MARBUNN. In addition, we expect that person to help us with trial logistics such as registration of material income from the sorting lab in Tromsø, packaging and forwarding of ready-made samples to Bergen University Museum, as well as maintenance of our reference collection. Basic training is given in the aforementioned tasks. If the person concerned shows a particular interest in the taxonomy of marine invertebrates, we can also offer more in-depth training in species identification.

Although our expertise covers several key groups of marine benthos, there is still a need for expertise in certain animal groups. With this background, we are looking for young talents who have knowledge of benthos (minimum basic marine faunistics), and preferably someone who either investigates or has an interest in the following animal groups: coral animals (Anthozoa) including sea anemones (Actiniaria), sea feathers (Pennatulacea), cauliflower corals (Nephtheidae) etc., bryozoa (Bryozoa) and sedges (Cirripedia/Balanoidea).

The internship begins in spring 2024 (can start February-March) and will last as long as the agreement between HI and the university/college allows.

Those interested are asked to contact Pål Buhl-Mortensen (head of MAREANO), and Alexander Plotkin (responsible for the benthos laboratory).

Workplace: Bergen
Contact persons: paal.buhl.mortensen@hi.no and alexander.plotkin@hi.no, FGBunnsamfunn

The monitoring station for escaped and wild salmon fish in Etne

At the monitoring station for escaped and wild salmon in Etne, we have good opportunities to offer internships for students during bachelor's and master's studies. We have a good variety of tasks and students will get work practice where they get to work and collect data via tagging of fish, sampling migrating fish, operating an emigration trap for smolts and an immigration trap for spawning-/escaped fish.

In recent years, we have had several students in practice, where Etne has been used as physical field experience during a practice in, for example, a lab.

Workplace: Etne in Sunnhordland
Contact person: per.tommy.fjeldheim@hi.no,  FG Population Genetics