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Dr. Fridtjof Nansen has started working

Innsamling av fisk på dekk
Cruise leader Reidar Toresen reports that the new research vessel Dr. Fridtjof Nansen is well under way on its very first cruise off North-West Africa.
– We left Casablanca in the evening 8 May and we are now working in the ocean between Morocco and The Canary Iles until 7 June, says Toresen. – During 2017 the goal is to cover the whole west coast of Africa, from Casablanca to Cape Town, he adds. 
On this maiden cruise, the job is to measure pelagic fish stocks  down to 500 meters depth. This survey is the first of totally four that covers the oceans from Morocco passing Mauretania, Guinea Bissau and Senegal tol Guinea where it’s finalised 18 July. 
Trålposen tømmes
Foto: Reidar Toresen, HI
In addition to the acoustic measurements, data on phyto- and zooplankton will be collected. Hydrographic conditions are being monitored as is indicators on ocean acidifications and plastic particles are being mapped. 
– Here’s a good mood on board, reports Toresen and gives credit to the local participants. Nine young scientists from Morocco are collecting data with great enthusiasm, he says.
Ivrige hender sorterer pelagisk fisk
Foto: Reidar Toresen, HI