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Barents Sea Capelin - Report of the Joint Russian-Norwegian Working Group on Arctic Fisheries (JRN-AFWG) 2022

Barents Sea Capelin

A bilateral Norwegian-Russian assessment working group met by correspondence 10-13 October 2022 to assess and give quota advice for the Barents Sea capelin stock.


  • Bjarte Bogstad (Norway, Chair of meeting)
  • Anatoly Chetyrkin (Russia)
  • Harald Gjøsæter (Norway)
  • Daniel Howell (Norway)
  • Sondre Nedreås Hølleland (Norway)
  • Stine Karlson (Norway)
  • Yury Kovalev (Russia)
  • Hector Pena (Norway)
  • Dmitry Prozorkevich (Russia)
  • Georg Skaret (Norway)

Regulation of the Barents Sea Capelin Fishery

Since 1979, the Barents Sea capelin fishery has been regulated by a bilateral fishery management agreement between Russia (former USSR) and Norway. A TAC has been set separately for the winter fishery and for the autumn fishery. From 1999, no autumn fishery has taken place, except for a small Russian experimental fishery in some years and small by-catch in the northern shrimp fishery. A minimum landing size of 11 cm has been in force since 1979. Scientific advice is to carry out capelin fishery only on mature fish during the period from January to April.

TAC and Catch Statistics (Table 10.1-10.2)

The Joint Russian-Norwegian Fishery Commission set a zero TAC for 2021 and a TAC of 70 000 tonnes for 2022. For both years, the quotas were in accordance with the ICES advice. The international historical catch by country and season in the years 1965–2022 is given in Table 10.1. The Norwegian catch in 2022 was 42 597 tonnes which was 647 tonnes above the national TAC. Russian catches were 22 646 tonnes which was 5 404 tonnes below the national TAC.

The age-length distribution of Norwegian and Russian catches in 2022 are summarized in Table 10.2a-b. The capelin sampling from the Barents Sea in 2022 is summarised below:

Investigation No. of trawl hauls Length measurements Aged individuals
Sampling from fishing vessels in winter-spring 2022 (Norway) 23 2256 673
Sampling from fishing vessels in winter-spring 2022 (Russia) 43 13310 500
Winter capelin survey 2022 (Norway) 25 2383 978
Joint Winter survey 2022 (Norway) 292 10859 1059
Joint Winter survey 2022 (Russia) 97 5759 200
BESS 2022 (Norway) (included in estimation) 141 10640 4013
BESS 2022 (Russia) 0 0 0

Stock assessment

Acoustic stock size estimates in 2022 (Table 10.3, Figure 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3 )

The geographical survey coverage of the Barents Sea capelin stock during the Barents Sea autumn Ecosystem Survey (BESS) in 2022 was incomplete (Fig 10.1), as the Russian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) was not covered due to technical problems with the research vessel.

The geographical distribution of capelin in 2022 is shown in Fig 10.1, and the position and weighting of the trawl stations is shown in Fig. 10.2.

During the redfish survey west of Svalbard in early August 2022, large capelin was caught with the Gloria trawl in three trawl hauls (likely caught on the way up to the surface as trawling was done below about 200m depth). In these and adjacent areas high acoustic values were recorded in the upper 20-50 meters. Scrutiny of the echograms and trawl data from this survey and comparison with the trawl hauls and scrutiny done on the RV 'GO Sars' during the BESS survey west of Svalbard a few weeks later did, however, strongly indicate that the high acoustic recordings were of 0-group fish and not capelin. Consequently, no data from this survey were included in the stock estimate.

As decided during the 2016 assessment meeting, the capelin abundance was estimated using the software StoX (Johnsen et al. 2019), applying standard settings.

The stock estimate from the area covered by the 2022 survey was 2.174 million tonnes (Table 10.3). About 38% (0.817 million tonnes) of the estimated stock biomass consisted of maturing fish (>14.0 cm). The mean weight at age in the 2022 survey was the lowest since 1975 for age 2 and since 1987 for age 3 (Fig. 10.3).

A fixed sampling variance expressed as Coefficient of Variation (CV) of 0.2 per age group has been applied as input for the stock forecast in the capelin assessment and was also used this year (Tjelmeland 2002; Gjøsæter et al. 2002). The survey design and estimation software now allow for estimation of a direct CV by age group, and for the 2022 survey these were estimated:

for age group 1: 0.27; for age group 2: 0.20; and for age group 3: 0.20.

Relative sampling error based only on acoustic recordings (Nautical Area Scattering Coefficient (NASC; m2nmi-2)) was estimated to 18.2%. Detailed information about previous CV estimates can be found in AFWG WD5, 2018. Future implementation of direct survey CV in the assessment is discussed under future work (10.4.6).

Stock assessment in 2022 (Table 10.4-10.6, Figure 10.4-10.12)

All projections described below were based on a maturation and predation model with parameters estimated by the model Bifrost and data on predicted cod abundance and size at age in 2023 from the 2022 Bilateral Norwegian-Russian Assessment Group (Anon. 2022).

The methodology is described in the 2009 WKSHORT report (ICES 2009) and the WKARCT 2015 report (ICES 2015a). The natural mortality M for the months October to December is drawn among a set of M-values estimated for different years based on historical data. The same set of M-values was used in 2022 as in 2021 (ICES 2011).

Due to incomplete survey coverage, two approaches were explored as alternatives to standard stock projection:

  1. Compensation of maturing biomass using proportion of maturing capelin in the uncovered area in previous similar years
  2. Stock projection 1.5 years ahead from the 2021 estimate

A similar situation occurred in 2014, when a large proportion of the traditional distribution area of capelin in the Norwegian EEZ was covered by ice and could not be surveyed. Then the working group applied approach 2, while ADGCAP that year preferred approach 1 which then became the basis for the advice (ICES 2015b). WKARCT (ICES 2015a) recommended that a pre-agreed procedure for adjusting for surveys with incomplete should be developed, but that has not been done.

Before going into these two approaches, we investigated mean weight at age in NEEZ and REEZ for the years with high biomass of maturing capelin (Fig. 10.4; see below for background to the selection of years). Weight at age 2 in REEZ is higher than in NEEZ in the years 2007-2010, but there is no systematic difference in later years. For age 3 there were no systematic differences in weight at age. We concluded that the length distribution at age in NEEZ in 2022 could be taken to represent also the length distribution at age in REEZ in 2022.

For both approaches 1 and 2, probabilistic projections of the maturing stock to the time of spawning on 1 April 2023 were made using the R-Bifrost implementation which in 2021 was shown to give the same results as the Captool approach previously used. Some runs were also carried out in Captool this year and the results were the same as the results from R-Bifrost. 50 000 simulations were run.

1:  Adjustment using proportion maturing capelin biomass in uncovered area in previous similar years

The approach taken here was to scale the biomass of maturing fish estimated from the survey. The scaling was based on the proportion of maturing capelin in the covered area in previous years with good survey coverage and high biomass of maturing capelin. Fig. 10.5 shows the proportion of maturing biomass in NEEZ for the years 2004-2021 for which StoX estimates are available, as well as the biomass of maturing capelin in those years. The years 2014 and 2018 were excluded due to incomplete survey coverage (partly ice covered survey area in 2014, and incomplete coverage in the SE Barents Sea in 2018). 2016 was also excluded since the survey results from that year contradict with the results from both the years before and after (Skaret et al. 2018). If we also exclude years with lower biomass of maturing capelin than what was measured in 2022 in the Norwegian EEZ (straight line in Fig 10.5), the following years are relevant to draw from: 2007-2013, 2017 and 2021. If we further select only years where the proportion of age 3 fish was high in the maturing stock, only the years 2009-2013 were selected. Table 10.4 shows the proportion of age 3 fish for the years 2007-2013, 2017 and 2021, and clearly the years 2007, 2008, 2017 and 2021 has a much lower proportion of age 3 fish than the years 2009-2013. We investigated both selection of years: 2007-2013, 2017 and 2021 as well as 2009-2013.

The scaling factor was drawn randomly among the relevant years. This approach gave median biomasses at October 1 2022 of 1.68 million tonnes when selecting only 2009-2013 and 1.26 million tonnes when selecting the years 2007-2013, 2017 and 2021. The first approach resulted in a catch advice of 62 thousand tons, while the second resulted in an advice of 21 thousand tons.

2:  Predicting 1.5 years ahead from the 2021 estimate

Fig 10.7 shows the natural mortality estimated from survey mortality from age 1-2 and 2-3, assuming total spawning mortality for capelin >14 cm. The mortality from age 1 to 2 of the 2020 year class is quite plausible, while the mortality for age 2 to 3 for the 2019 year class is unusually high. In view of the incomplete survey coverage, we investigated upscaling the abundance of capelin at age 3 in 2022 based on a regression between age 3 and immature age 2 fish for all cohorts in the time series. This regression is shown in Fig 10.7. Using this regression and inserting the observed value of 259.7 billion immature fish in 2021, the predicted value of this cohort is 105.2 billion, compared to the survey estimate of 57.7 billion. A similar regression between age 1 and age 2 estimates (only cohorts 1980-2019 due to incomplete survey coverage of age 1 fish in the 1970s) is shown in Fig 10.8 and gives 129.73 billion age 2 fish in 2022 which is very close to the observed value of 135.79. This supports the decision of not applying any scaling to the abundance of age 2 fish in 2022.

Uncertainty in the prediction of age 3 from immature age 2 fish was calculated as the standard deviation of the regression residuals, and indicated a CV of 0.222. Thus we implemented the abundance of the 2019 year class at 1 October 2022 as 105.2±23.4 billion individuals, (corresponding formula: 105.2*RiskNormal(0.2)*RiskNormal(0.222)) instead of 57.7*RiskNormal(0.2) as the survey estimate indicates. This approach (run 3) gave a catch advice of 31 kt.

Summary and discussion of results

A summary of the results of the runs mentioned above are shown in the text table below. The table also includes, for illustrative purposes, a 1.5 year prediction run with scaling of abundance at age 3 in 2022 and no additional uncertainty as well as a run with no scaling or adjustment at all.

Basis Total catch (2023) Median biomass of maturing capelin on 1 October 2022 Median of SSB  on 1 April 2023, no catch 5% percentile of SSB on 1 April 2023, no catch
Compensation for incomplete survey coverage based on proportion maturing capelin in the covered area drawn from the 5 years 2009-2013, years with high biomass of maturing capelin and high proportion of age 3 fish in the maturing stock 62 000 1 628 000 586 000 250 000
Compensation for incomplete survey coverage based on proportion maturing capelin in the covered area drawn from 9 years (2007-2013, 2017, 2021) instead of 5 years, i.e. including years with high biomass of maturing capelin but various proportions of age 3 fish in the maturing stock 21 000 1 260 000 455 000 215 000
Predicting from 2021 survey with added uncertainty 31 000 1 350 000 464 000 225 000
Predicting from 2021 survey without added uncertainty 72 000 1 380 000 471 000 256 000
No compensation for incomplete area coverage (survey estimate from Norwegian zone only used) 0 833 000 278 000 148 000

The approach using historical distribution of maturing capelin as compensation for incomplete survey coverage and only the years 2009-2013 was found to be the most appropriate as basis for the assessment and advice. In 2014, a large part of the core capelin area was covered with ice, and the distribution in comparable years with complete survey coverage was used to compensate for the incomplete coverage. The approach chosen here is consistent with the 2014 compensation approach.

The compensations based on 5 and 9 historical years correspond to on average of 53% and 64%, respectively, of the stock biomass of maturing capelin being in the surveyed area in 2022. The results of the 1.5 year prediction as applied here imply that a 60% proportion of the maturing stock biomass is in the area covered by the survey.

The development of biomass of maturing capelin from 1 October 2022 to 1 April 2023 based on the area correction method using the years 2009-2013, is shown with no catch and a catch of 62 kt in Fig 10.9. The risk of SSB being below 200 000 tonnes by 1 April 2023 as a function of catch is shown in Fig 10.10.

Stock abundance estimates by age group and total biomass for the historical period are shown in Table 10.6. Other data which describe the stock development are shown in Table 10.7. Information about spawning surveys going back to the 1980s are given in Gjøsæter and Prozorkevitch (WD05, 2020). Summary plots are given in Figure 10.11.

Additional information for the assessment

Historically, similar stock status and abundance of age groups (especially age 2) as in 2022 were observed only in 1973, 1975, 1978 and 1979. In these years, average mortality from age 2 to age 3 was about 58%, compared to about 82% in 2022. But using these years as analogues seems incorrect, because in recent years there have been significant changes both in the environment in the Barents Sea and the biology of key species, primarily cod and capelin.

As an alternative, the working group considered calculations by the Capstock model (Gjøsæter, 1998). This model resembles a VPA type of model but based on annual stock size estimates. The model keeps track of the stock history, giving estimates of stock abundance and production through the year as well as of fishing and natural mortality (including postspawning). This model gives 135 billion individuals at age 3 in 2022 when using average capelin mortality for the last 2 years. However, since this approach has not been used before, it was decided to include it only as additional information.

The distribution of capelin taken as bycatch in the Russian shrimp fishery in 2022, as well as the distribution of capelin in bottom trawl catches in BESS in 2019-2022, is shown in Fig 10.12. It was noted that in 2022 there was bycatch of maturing capelin in the shrimp fishery close to the boundary between international waters (Loophole) and REEZ, which is unusual. This may indicate that the distribution of mature capelin in REEZ stretches farther south than usual.


The 0-group series was recalculated by WGIBAR in 2022. Table 10.5 shows the number of fish in the various year classes from surveys at age 0-2. A 0-group estimate was not available for 2022.

The 1-group abundance in 2022 in the area covered by the survey was 75.5 billion which is about half the long-term average (Table 10.5). The most recent evaluation of the spawning stock and recruitment time series was made by Gjøsæter et al. (2016).

Future recruitment conditions: High abundance of young herring (mainly age groups 1 and 2) has been suggested to be a necessary but not a single factor causing recruitment failure in the capelin stock (Hjermann et al., 2010; Gjøsæter et al. 2016). In 2022, high abundances of 0-group herring were observed during BESS.

Comments to the assessment

Ecological considerations

The number of young herring in the Barents Sea can be an important factor that affects the capelin recruitment. It is not currently taken into account in the assessment model. The benchmark for capelin stocks in the Barents Sea (ICES 2015a) noted the need for further study of this effect as well as better monitoring of the young herring abundance.

The amount of other food than capelin for cod and other predators may also have changed in recent years. This may also indirectly have affected the predation pressure on capelin. A more detailed discussion of interactions between capelin and other species is given in the 2016-2022 ICES WGIBAR reports.

Further work on survey and assessment methodology

Spawning survey

On 27 February–13 March 2022, IMR carried out a trawl-acoustic monitoring and stock estimation of spawning capelin (Skaret et al. 2022). The survey is the fourth in a series to evaluate whether such a monitoring can be used in the assessment to improve the advice. The initiative and funding come from the Norwegian industry, and the idea in the long term is that monitoring closer to when fishery and spawning happens, can reduce uncertainty in stock advice. Monitoring during spawning has been attempted before, last time in 2007–2009, and has proven to be methodologically challenging due to unpredictable timing and location of the spawning migration.

The survey was carried out using two fishing vessels ‘Vendla’ and ‘Eros’. A stratified design using zig-zag transects with randomized starting points was used and the effort was allocated based on historical and recent information about capelin distribution. The fishery sonar was used actively during the whole survey to estimate size distribution of capelin schools, migration speed and direction. In addition, target strength measurements were carried out using submersible TS-probes on both vessels. The coverage of the capelin spawning migration was successful and the estimate of ca. 427 000 tonnes with a CV of 0.42 was within the expected range from the predictions made in the autumn 2021.

Despite the methodological challenges due to timing and distribution of capelin as well as acoustic target strength, the survey results from all four test years have fallen within the uncertainty range of the autumn prediction. This consistency is promising for the use of the survey in an advisory process. An evaluation of the four-year series will be carried out as part of the ICES benchmark for this stock which is planned for November 2022.

Assessment model

In the present capelin assessment model, the only species interaction in the Barents Sea taken explicitly into account is predation by cod on mature capelin. The model does not take into account possible changes in capelin stock dynamics (e.g. maturation), the current state of the environment and stock status of other fish species and mammals in the Barents Sea. The ICES working group of Integrated Assessment of the Barents Sea (WGIBAR) has addressed some of these issues.

Consumption of pre-spawning capelin by mature cod in the winter-spring season and autumn season is still not included in the assessment model. It may have a significant impact on capelin SSB calculations.

Gjøsæter et al. (2015) calculated what the quota advice and spawning stock would have been in the period 1991—2013, given the present assessment model and updated knowledge about the cod stock. They exchanged the cod abundance from prognoses which was originally used in the capelin assessment, with updated cod abundance estimates from the cod assessment model run later in time. When rerunning the capelin assessment model, they showed that considerably smaller annual capelin quotas would have been advised with the updated cod abundance estimates. Following this work, a retrospective analysis of the capelin assessment as well as of the assessment performance should be included annually. This is a feature which so far has been missing from the capelin assessment.

There is ongoing work to address specific points related to modelling for the benchmark meeting in November 2022. These include implementation of survey CV in the capelin assessment model, incorporating the assessment model in Template Model Builder (R-package), validating both the cod consumption part of the model, and the capelin maturation part and updating consumption parameters to reflect recent state in the Barents Sea. As mentioned above, the Excel based platform (Captool) used for running simulations for half-year stock predictions has already been implemented in R. Historical CVs of SSB estimates will be calculated back to 2004.

Reference points

A Blim (SSBlim) management approach has been suggested for this stock (Gjøsæter et al., 2002). In 2002, the JRNFC agreed to adopt a management strategy based on the rule that, with 95% probability, at least 200 000 tonnes of capelin should be allowed to spawn. Consequently, 200 000 tonnes was used as a Blim. Alternative harvest control rules of 80, 85 and 90% probability of SSB > Blim were suggested by JNRFC and evaluated by ICES (ICES 2016). ICES considers these rules not to be precautionary. At its 2016 meeting, JNRFC decided not to change the adopted management strategy.


Anon. 2022. Report of the Joint Russian-Norwegian Working Group on Arctic Fisheries (JRN-AFWG) 2022. IMR-PINRO report series 6-2022, 213 pp.

Gjøsæter, H. 1998. The population biology and exploitation of capelin (Mallotus villosus) in the Barents Sea. February 1998, Sarsia 83:453-496 DOI: 10.1080/00364827.1998.10420445

Gjøsæter, H., B. Bogstad, and S. Tjelmeland. 2002. Assessment methodology for Barents Sea capelin, Mallotus villosus (Müller). ICES Journal of Marine Science 59 :1086-1095.

Gjøsæter, H., B. Bogstad, S. Tjelmeland, and S. Subbey. 2015. A retrospective evaluation of the Barents Sea capelin management advice. Marine Biology Research 11 :135-143.

Gjøsæter, H., Hallfredsson, E. H., Mikkelsen, N., Bogstad, B., and Pedersen, T. 2016. Predation on early life stages is decisive for year class strength in the Barents Sea capelin ( Mallotus villosus ) stock. ICES Journal of Marine Science 73(2):182-195. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsv177


Year Winter-Spring Summer-Autumn Total
Norway Russia Others Total Norway Russia Total
1965 217 7 0 224 0 0 0 224
1966 380 9 0 389 0 0 0 389
1967 403 6 0 409 0 0 0 409
1968 460 15 0 475 62 0 62 537
1969 436 1 0 437 243 0 243 680
1970 955 8 0 963 346 5 351 1314
1971 1300 14 0 1314 71 7 78 1392
1972 1208 24 0 1232 347 13 360 1591
1973 1078 34 0 1112 213 12 225 1337
1974 749 63 0 812 237 99 336 1148
1975 559 301 43 903 407 131 538 1441
1976 1252 228 0 1480 739 368 1107 2587
1977 1441 317 2 1760 722 504 1226 2986
1978 784 429 25 1238 360 318 678 1916
1979 539 342 5 886 570 326 896 1782
1980 539 253 9 801 459 388 847 1648
1981 784 429 28 1241 454 292 746 1986
1982 568 260 5 833 591 336 927 1760
1983 751 373 36 1160 758 439 1197 2357
1984 330 257 42 629 481 368 849 1477
1985 340 234 17 591 113 164 277 868
1986 72 51 0 123 0 0 0 123
1987-1990 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1991 528 159 20 707 31 195 226 933
1992 620 247 24 891 73 159 232 1123
1993 402 170 14 586 0 0 0 586
1994-1996 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1997 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
1998 0 2 0 2 0 1 1 3
1999 50 33 0 83 0 22 22 105
2000 279 94 8 381 0 29 29 410
2001 376 180 8 564 0 14 14 578
2002 398 228 17 643 0 16 16 659
2003 180 93 9 282 0 0 0 282
2004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2005 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
2006 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2007 2 2 0 4 0 0 0 4
2008 5 5 0 10 0 2 0 12
2009 233 73 0 306 0 1 1 307
2010 246 77 0 323 0 0 0 323
2011 273 87 0 360 0 0 0 360
2012 228 68 0 296 0 0 0 296
2013 116 60 0 177 0 0 0 177
2014 40 26 0 66 0 0 0 66
2015 71 44 0 115 0 0 0 115
2016-2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2018 129 66 0 195 0 0 0 195
2019-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2022 42 23 0 65 0 0 0 65
Table 10.1 Barents Sea CAPELIN. International catch (‘000 t) as used by the Working Group.
Length (cm) Age 3 Age 4 Age 5 Age 6 Sum %
12.5 12.143 0 0 0 12.143 0.5
13.0 18.768 0 0 0 18.768 0.8
13.5 153.387 8.718 0 0 162.105 6.9
14.0 152.613 31.794 0 0 184.407 7.8
14.5 248.012 19.987 0 0 267.999 11.4
15.0 365.148 29.998 3.871 0 399.017 17.0
15.5 257.369 30.209 8.728 0 296.306 12.6
16.0 293.49 53.235 0 3.809 350.534 14.9
16.5 261.853 29.155 0 3.577 294.585 12.5
17.0 100.867 16.288 0 0 117.155 5.0
17.5 142.664 20.152 10.545 1.908 175.269 7.5
18.0 38.014 6.709 0 4.471 49.194 2.1
18.5 21.594 0 0 0 21.594 0.9
19.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
19.5 0 0.707 0 0 0.707 0.0
Sum 2065.922 246.952 23.144 13.765 2349.783  
% 87.9 10.5 1.0 0.6   100.0
Table 10.2a. Barents Sea capelin, age-length distribution of Norwegian catch in 2022 (million individuals).
Length (cm) Age 2 Age 3 Age 4 Age 5 N 106
  % % % %  
10 50 50 0 0 5.2
11 0 100 0 0 5.2
12 0 100 0 0 23.6
13 0 98 2 0 128.4
14 0 100 0 0 319.6
15 0 90.1 9.9 0 317.0
16 0 82.2 16.8 0.9 280.3
17 0 80.4 17.9 1.8 146.7
18 0 65.4 34.6 0 68.1
19 0 100 0 0 13.1
20 0 0 100 0 2.6
sum         1309.8
Table 10.2b. Barents Sea capelin, age-length distribution of Russian catch in 2022.


  Age/year class      
Length (cm) 1 2 3 4 5 Sum (109) Biomass (103 t) Mean weight (g)
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017      
7.0-7.5 0.275 0 0 0 0 0.275 0.347 1.26
7.5-8.0 0.448 0 0 0 0 0.448 0.982 2.19
8.0-8.5 1.851 0 0 0 0 1.851 4.324 2.34
8.5-9.0 3.240 0 0 0 0 3.240 9.512 2.94
9.0-9.5 11.849 0.367 0 0 0 12.216 41.061 3.36
9.5-10.0 16.198 0.643 0 0 0 16.841 64.576 3.83
10.0-10.5 18.004 3.259 0.234 0 0 21.498 92.273 4.29
10.5-11.0 15.478 22.005 0.997 0 0 38.481 191.589 4.98
11.0-11.5 4.450 28.864 1.244 0 0 34.558 193.871 5.61
11.5-12.0 2.061 28.342 2.699 0 0 33.102 211.645 6.39
12.0-12.5 1.194 20.241 4.766 0 0 26.201 190.108 7.26
12.5-13.0 0.270 11.627 3.362 0.016 0 15.275 128.200 8.39
13.0-13.5 0.141 8.034 4.325 0.081 0 12.581 122.333 9.72
13.5-14.0 0 4.171 5.232 0.068 0 9.470 105.374 11.13
14.0-14.5 0 2.936 5.955 0.040 0 8.932 114.229 12.79
14.5-15.0 0 1.788 5.060 0.046 0 6.894 101.479 14.72
15.0-15.5 0 1.294 5.544 0.262 0 7.100 119.397 16.82
15.5-16.0 0 0.832 5.340 0.184 0 6.356 122.091 19.21
16.0-16.5 0 0.933 5.625 0.447 0 7.006 148.635 21.22
16.5-17.0 0 0.290 3.518 0.005 0 3.814 91.257 23.93
17.0-17.5 0 0.079 1.988 0.077 0 2.143 59.219 27.63
17.5-18.0 0 0.078 1.019 0.025 0.008 1.129 34.809 30.82
18.0-18.5 0 0.004 0.679 0 0 0.683 22.707 33.24
18.5-19.0 0 0 0.103 0 0 0.103 3.620 35.2
19.0-19.5 0 0 0.001 0 0 0.001 0.033 39
TSN(109) 75.460 135.787 57.692 1.250 0.008 270.197    
TSB(103 t) 324.674 964.078 860.680 24.052 0.188   2173.671  
Mean length (cm) 9.85 11.69 14.22 15.32 17.5      
Mean weight (g) 4.3 7.1 14.92 19.25 24     8.04
MSN(109) 0 12.405 40.064 1.153 0.008 53.630    
MSB (103 t) 0 133.063 662.616 21.613 0.188   817.480  

Table 10.3. Barents Sea CAPELIN. Stock size estimation table. Estimated stock size (109) by age and length, and biomass (1000 tonnes) from the acoustic survey in August-October 2022. TSN: Total stock number. TSB: Total stock biomass. MSN: Maturing stock number. MSB: Maturing stock biomass.
Year Biomass maturing age 1 Biomass maturing age 2 Biomass maturing age 3 Biomass maturing age 4 Biomass maturing age 5 Proportion biomass age 3 to total maturing biomass
2007 28.44 710.28 101.15 3.82 0.00 0.12
2008 1.30 1804.10 610.70 51.40 0.00 0.25
2009 0.91 809.00 1505.70 7.20 0.00 0.65
2010 0.28 610.68 1415.75 25.03 0.23 0.69
2011 0.01 697.25 1183.82 233.74 0.00 0.56
2012 3.30 397.44 1540.95 56.74 0.00 0.77
2013 3.00 523.06 785.33 159.60 0.12 0.53
2017 26.23 1267.63 417.63 11.60 0.00 0.24
2021 0.93 1287.85 147.96 1.22 0.00 0.10

Table 10.4. Biomass of maturing capelin at age for selected years and proportion biomass of age 3 capelin to total mature biomass.
Year class Larval abundance (1012)

0-group swept area numbers

(109 ind.)

Acoustic estimate (10ind.) Mortality survey (1-2)
  0 (Y) 0+(Y) 1(Y+1) 2(Y+2) %
1980 - 740 402.6 147.6 63
1981 9.7 477 528.3 200.2 62
1982 9.9 600 514.9 186.5 64
1983 9.9 340 154.8 48.3 69
1984 8.2 275 38.7 4.7 88
1985 8.6 64 6.0 1.7 72
1986 0.0 42 37.6 28.7 24
1987 0.3 4 21.0 17.7 16
1988 0.3 65 189.2 177.6 6
1989 7.3 862 700.4 580.2 17
1990 13.0 116 402.1 196.3 51
1991 3.0 169 351.3 53.4 85
1992 7.3 2 2.2 3.4 --
1993 3.3 1 19.8 8.1 59
1994 0.1 14 7.1 11.5 --
1995 0.0 3 81.9 39.1 52
1996 2.4 137 98.9 72.6 27
1997 6.9 189 179.0 101.5 43
1998 14.1 113 156.0 110.6 29
1999 36.5 288 449.2 218.7 51
2000 19.1 141 113.6 90.8 20
2001 10.7 90 59.7 9.6 84
2002 22.4 67 82.4 24.8 70
2003 11.9 341 51.2 13.0 75
2004 2.5 54 26.9 21.7 19
2005 8.8 148 60.1 54.7 9
2006 17.1 516 221.7 231.4 --
2007 - 480 313.0 166.4 46
2008 - 995 124.0 127.6 --
2009 - 673 248.2 181.1 27
2010 - 319 209.6 156.4 25
2011 - 594 145.9 216.2 -
2012 - 989 324.5 106.6 67
2013 - 316 105.1 40.5 62
2014 - 164 39.5 8.1 79
2015 - 457 31.6 123.7 -
2016 - 779 86.4 59.6 31
2017 - 214 58.6 7.0 88
2018 - 680 17.5 31.1 -
2019 - 1465 366.4 330.0 10
2020 - 1077 220.9 135.8 39
2021 - 325 75.5    
Average 9.0 372 174.4 106.0  

Table 10.5 Barents Sea CAPELIN. Recruitment and natural mortality table. Larval abundance estimate in June, 0-group indices and acoustic estimate in August-September, total survey mortality from age 1 to age 2.
Year Stock in numbers (109) Biomass (103 tonnes)
  Age 1 Age 2 Age 3 Age 4 Age 5 Total Total MSB
1973 528 375 40 17 0 961 5144 1350
1974 305 547 173 3 0 1029 5733 907
1975 190 348 296 86 0 921 7806 2916
1976 211 233 163 77 12 696 6417 3200
1977 360 175 99 40 7 681 4796 2676
1978 84 392 76 9 1 561 4247 1402
1979 12 333 114 5 0 464 4162 1227
1980 270 196 155 33 0 654 6715 3913
1981 403 195 48 14 0 660 3895 1551
1982 528 148 57 2 0 735 3779 1591
1983 515 200 38 0 0 754 4230 1329
1984 155 187 48 3 0 393 2964 1208
1985 39 48 21 1 0 109 860 285
1986 6 5 3 0 0 14 120 65
1987 38 2 0 0 0 39 101 17
1988 21 29 0 0 0 50 428 200
1989 189 18 3 0 0 209 864 175
1990 700 178 16 0 0 894 5831 2617
1991 402 580 33 1 0 1016 7287 2248
1992 351 196 129 1 0 678 5150 2228
1993 2 53 17 2 2 75 796 330
1994 20 3 4 0 0 28 200 94
1995 7 8 2 0 0 17 193 118
1996 82 12 2 0 0 96 503 248
1997 99 39 2 0 0 140 911 312
1998 179 73 11 1 0 263 2056 931
1999 156 101 27 1 0 285 2776 1718
2000 449 111 34 1 0 595 4273 2099
2001 114 219 31 1 0 364 3630 2019
2002 60 91 50 1 0 201 2210 1290
2003 82 10 11 1 0 104 533 280
2004 51 25 6 1 0 82 628 294
2005 27 13 2 0 0 42 324 174
2006 60 22 6 0 0 88 787 437
2007 222 55 4 0 0 280 1882 844
2008 313 231 25 2 0 571 4427 2468
2009 124 166 61 0 0 352 3756 2323
2010 248 128 61 1 0 438 3500 2051
2011 209 181 55 8 0 454 3707 2115
2012 146 156 88 2 0 392 3586 1997
2013 324 216 59 7 0 610 3956 1471
2014 105 107 39 2 0 253 1949 873
2015 40 40 13 1 0 94 842 375
2016 32 8 3 0 0 43 328 181
2017 86 124 17 0 0 227 2506 1723
2018 59 60 21 0 0 140 1597 1056
2019 17 9 7 1 0 35 411 302
2020 366 31 4 1 0 403 1884 533
2021 221 330 7 0 0 558 3998 1438
2022 75 136 58 1 0 270 2174 817

Table 10.6 Barents Sea CAPELIN. Stock size in numbers by age, total stock biomass, biomass of the maturing component (MSB) at 1. October.
Year Estimated stock by autumn acoustic survey (103 t) 1 October SSB, assessment model, April 1 year+1 (103 t) Recruitment Age 1, survey assessment 1 October 109 sp. Young herring biomass age 1+2 (103 t) source: WGIBAR 2022 Herring 0-group swept area index (109 ind.p) source: WGIBAR 2022 Capelin landing (103 t)
1972 6600 2727   152 2   1591
1973 5144 1350 33 529 2   1337
1974 5733 907 * 305 48   1148
1975 7806 2916 * 190 74   1441
1976 6417 3200 253 211 39   2587
1977 4796 2676 22 360 46   2986
1978 4247 1402 * 84 52   1916
1979 4162 1227 * 12 39   1782
1980 6715 3913 * 270 66 0 1648
1981 3895 1551 316 403 47 0 1986
1982 3779 1591 106 528 9 3 1760
1983 4230 1329 100 515 12 195 2357
1984 2964 1208 109 155 1467 27 1477
1985 860 285 * 39 2638 20 868
1986 120 65 * 6 191 0 123
1987 101 17 34 38 288 0 0
1988 428 200 * 21 77 61 0
1989 864 175 84 189 277 18 0
1990 5831 2617 92 700 434 15 0
1991 7287 2248 643 402 929 268 933
1992 5150 2228 302 351 1329 84 1123
1993 796 330 293 2 2432 291 586
1994 200 94 139 20 1887 104 0
1995 193 118 60 7 647 11 0
1996 503 248 60 82 238 550 0
1997 909 312 85 99 537 463 1
1998 2056 932 94 179 560 476 3
1999 2775 1718 382 156 1616 36 105
2000 4273 2098 599 449 2109 470 410
2001 3630 2019 626 114 1233 10 578
2002 2210 1291 496 60 428 152 659
2003 533 280 427 82 1794 178 282
2004 628 294 94 51 3790 774 0
2005 324 174 122 27 2191 126 1
2006 787 437 72 60 2115 295 0
2007 2119 844 189 222 876 144 4
2008 4428 2468 330 313 958 201 12
2009 3765 2323 517 124 440 104 307
2010 3500 2051 504 248 605 117 323
2011 3707 2115 487 209 816 83 360
2012 3586 1997 504 146 445 177 296
2013 3956 1471 479 324 492 289 177
2014 1949 873 504 105 673 136 66
2015 842 375 82 40 963 83 115
2016 328 181 37 32 498 79 0
2017 2506 1723 462 124 1106 154 0
2018 1597 1056 317 59 2034 55 195
2019 411 302 85 17 389 50 0
2020 1884 533 154 366 359 12 0
2021 3998 1438 420 221 152 209 0
2022 2174 817   75     65

Table 10.7 Barents Sea CAPELIN. Summary stock and data for prognoses table. Recruitment and total biomass (TSB) are survey estimates back-calculated to 1 August (before the autumn fishing season) for 1985 and earlier; for 1986 and later it is the survey estimate. Maturing biomass (MSB) is the survey estimate of fish above length of maturity (14.0 cm). SSB is the median value of the modelled stochastic spawning-stock biomass (after the winter/spring fishery). * - indicates a very small spawning stock. Estimates from spawning surveys going back to the 1980s are given in Gjøsæter and Prozorkevitch (WD05, AFWG 2021) and are not included here.

Survey coverage and geographical distribution of acoustic abundance of capelin in autumn 2022, using two different options for scaling of the circles indicating acoustic abundance.
Figure 10.1. Survey coverage and geographical distribution of acoustic abundance of capelin in autumn 2022, using two different options for scaling of the circles indicating acoustic abundance. 


Figure 10.2. Position of trawl hauls and weighting of the corresponding capelin length distributions applied in the acoustic estimate in 2022. The weighting is proportional to NASC within a 10 nautical mile radius.


Figure 10.3 Weight at age (grams) for capelin from the autumn survey.


 Mean weight at age 2 and 3 for BESS years (2004-2021) with high biomass of maturing capelin.
Fig 10.4. Mean weight at age 2 and 3 for BESS years (2004-2021) with high biomass of maturing capelin.


Proportion biomass of maturing capelin in Norwegian EEZ vs total biomass of matur-ing capelin for 2004-2021 (red line) and total biomass of maturing capelin (blue line). For the years 2007-2013, 2017 and 2021 biomass of maturing capelin was higher than want was estimated for 2022. The estimated biomass of maturing capelin based on the 2022 survey is indicated by the black horizontal line.
Fig 10.5. Proportion biomass of maturing capelin in Norwegian EEZ vs total biomass of maturing capelin for 2004-2021 (red line) and total biomass of maturing capelin (blue line). For the years 2007-2013, 2017 and 2021 biomass of maturing capelin was higher than want was estimated for 2022. The estimated biomass of maturing capelin based on the 2022 survey is indicated by the black horizontal line.  


Capelin survey mortality per year class from age 1–2 and 2-3 (survey data), assuming total spawning mortality for fish > 14 cm.
Figure 10.6. Capelin survey mortality per year class from age 1-2 and 2-3 (survey data), assuming total spawning mortality for fish > 14 cm. 



Regression of survey estimates of number of age 3 vs age 2 (immature fish only) for cohorts 1970-2018.
Fig 10.7. Regression of survey estimates of number of age 3 vs age 2 (immature fish only) for cohorts 1970-2018. 


Regression of survey estimates of number of age 2 vs age 1 fish for cohorts 1980-2019.
Figure 10.8. Regression of survey estimates of number of age 2 vs age 1 fish for cohorts 1980-2019. 



Figure 10.9. Probabilistic prognosis 1 October 2022—1 April 2023 for Barents Sea capelin maturing stock, with a catch of 62 000 tonnes (upper panel) and 0 tonnes (lower panel).


Probability of SSB 2023 < Blim as a function of the catch.
Figure 10.10. Probability of SSB 2023 < Blim as a function of the catch. 


Capelin in subareas 1 and 2, excluding Division 2a west of 5°W (Barents Sea capelin). Landings, recruitment and summary of stock assessment (Biomass of maturing (>14 cm) and immature (<14 cm) stock in tonnes). 2022 estimate is not corrected for incom-plete survey coverage.
Figure 10.11. Capelin in subareas 1 and 2, excluding Division 2a west of 5°W (Barents Sea capelin). Landings, recruitment and summary of stock assessment (Biomass of maturing (>14 cm) and immature (<14 cm) stock in tonnes). The 2022 estimate is not corrected for incomplete survey coverage. 


Fig. 10.12. CPUE of capelin from the bottom trawl for BESS in 2019-2022. The black crosses for 2022 are positions with reported capelin bycatch in the Russian shrimp fishery.