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This is one of the plastic rocks investigated. A film of plastic has become attached to the rocks surface.

Plastic waste and rocks form chemical bond


"Plastic rocks" create hotspots for microplastic release. 

The bow of a ship in the foreground and white sea ice in the background.

Three factors are amplifying heating in the northern Barents Sea


Warmer water from the south, less cooling in the north and less ice make life more difficult for Arctic marine species.

 MG 7097

HRH Crown Prince Haakon opened the climate conference


Watch the opening session here.

Man in boat holding a transparent chamber

Cod larvae were attracted by the noise from wind turbines


The cod larvae swam towards the noise. 

HI 050417

"Climate change in the ocean has never been as relevant as it is today"


Climate researchers from almost 70 countries will meet in Bergen. They have lots to talk about.

Jan og lysing

This is how you catch a hake


It requires special effort to get to know the “cold water barracuda”. Our leading angling expert reveals the secrets of the Norwegian hake.

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''Power naps'' prevent early puberty in farmed salmon


Researchers have discovered the ideal length of day for smolts.

Minke whale jumping out of the water

Minke whales around Svalbard excrete 600 tonnes of poo each day


Whale faeces contain large quantities of nutrients that are important to the ocean ecosystem, according to a new study.


HRH Crown Prince Haakon opens climate conference in Bergen


In April, leading climate scientists will gather in Bergen to discuss how climate change is affecting the ocean.

Sea floor

IMR believes impact assessment fails to take into account knowledge gaps


According to marine scientists, it fails to take into account important gaps in our knowledge about the natural environment and bottom currents in the impact assessment area.

HI 041123 (1)

How we analyze thousands of seafood samples every year


Join us in a tour through our labs and meet our scientists.

makrell fangst med pumpe

A new way of measuring fish welfare in wild-capture fisheries


When excessive quantities of mackerel are crowded tightly together in the net, the fish experience poor welfare.

 MG 6928

Launching into an EU project to farm kelp and mussels at offshore wind farms


“As scientists, we have a responsibility not just to find problems, but also to solve them”, says Nils Gunnar Kvamstø, the CEO of the Institute of Marine Research.

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Cod did not abandon their spawning site when exposed to noise from seismic airguns


Across two spawning seasons, researchers have exposed Atlantic cod to powerful blasts from airguns during spawning and tracked the behaviour of the fish. The results have now been published.

svamp i traalspor

High concentration of trawl marks north of Svalbard


Before surveying the area, scientists expected to find large areas of untouched seabed – and the odd trawl mark left by fishing boats. What they actually found was nothing like that.


Researchers halved the salmon louse burden at a fish farm


They combined off-the-shelf products with a new, dynamic strategy: moving the salmon down – and up – away from the lice.

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Military coup ended research collaboration with Myanmar


Four students were nevertheless able to complete their master’s projects in Norway. They have now returned to their home country with lots of valuable skills.


Over 100 observations of string jellyfish reported


This autumn there has been a big increase in the number of string jellyfish along the coast. This colonial jellyfish can reach lengths of up to 30 metres and it can be fatal to farmed fish.


What happened to the big saithe we tagged off Lofoten?


One was eaten by a whale, another caught by a local fisherman called Håkon, and three returned to the same spot they were tagged a year ago.

Hvilesporer og hyfer i makrellnyre

New species of Ichthyophonus parasite discovered


A new study reveals that the variety of Ichthyophonus found by researchers in mackerel is a new species, and not the one typically found in herring.

HI 041389

IMR and UN collaborate on Special Journal Issue dedicated to Climate Change and Seafood Safety


Seafood safety in a changing environment is the focus of the recent special issue of Environmental Pollution, a joint effort by IMR and UN-IAEA. Two out of eleven papers were written by IMR scientists.

HI 027799

Barents Sea: Recommends a capelin quota of up to 62.000 tons for 2023


Low capelin growth and lack of survey coverage on Russian side makes the advice lower than last year.


Tagging a furious shark


For the first time, IMR scientists have successfully tagged a porbeagle with a satellite tag. Now researchers can learn more about what the great white shark's "little brother" does in Norwegian waters.

photo of a stranded whale and researchers studying it

Researchers looked for worms inside stranded whales and found too many to count


“Good news in times of climate change.”

Two haddock larvae.

Exposure to magnetic fields from subsea cables slows down haddock larvae, study finds


Haddock larvae swam more slowly after being exposed in the laboratory to magnetic fields similar to those created by undersea cables connecting offshore wind farms.

HI 050434

– Quota recommendations virtually unaffected


The first bilateral quota recommendation for cod, haddock and deepwater redfish in the Barents Sea is now ready. 

Photo of northeast Arctic cod

Barents Sea: Cod quota of maximum 566,784 tonnes recommended for 2023


That is 20 percent lower than the previous year, and lowest since 2009.

rekefiske historisk

Evolution of the shrimp fishery – from 1908 to today


Researchers have digitised shrimp landings data going almost right back to when the Norwegian shrimp fishery started around the turn of the 20th century.

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Data collection is up and running again


Parts of the Lofoten–Vesterålen Ocean Observatory are operational and collecting new scientific data again after more than a year of downtime.

freya i frognerkilen

Researchers will collect scientific data from Freya


Data from the autopsy of the walrus could provide valuable information about the animal, for example about its diet.