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Torskefangst fra bunntrålen klar til sortering

Cod and haddock populations have multiplied over past 20 years


In the 2000s, the Norwegian and Russian authorities reduced the fishing pressure on cod and haddock in the Barents Sea. Combined with three good year-classes, that led to record populations.

sjomat kollasj

New research aims to give more, safer and cleaner seafood


In a major new initiative, scientists at IMR will study how to get more food from the ocean into our ovens – without putting our health and the environment at risk.

Andreas Wolden med kamera i isødet web

Check the photos: Spectacular glimpses of the polar deserts


Able-bodied seaman Andreas Wolden takes 2,000-3,000 photos on each trip to the polar regions. As a keen photographer, he never tires of meeting polar bears.

HI 026473

Watch the cod spawn


Below the sea’s surface, the cod spawning season is now well underway. We have trapped cod in a pen rigged with cameras and hydrophones - you can follow the spawning live.


Study: Cleaner fish no magic bullet against salmon lice


Researchers have combed data from almost 500 fish farms all over Norway. They found only a weak and variable effect of using cleaner fish in the battle against salmon lice.

Dagaa 2 (bilde krediteres Marian) 2

Small fish may act as “vitamin sweets” for East African children


Malnutrition is a bigger problem than hunger in the world today. Researchers hope that a small freshwater fish may prove to be packed with important micronutrients. 

raudåte   terje van der meeren

Lab experiment: Small doses of delousing agent killed zooplankton


Calanus can be killed by small concentrations of the delousing agent hydrogen peroxide.

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How little of the delousing agent is needed before juvenile lobsters develop ''arthritis''?


Large doses of teflubenzuron kill – small doses cause stiff joints. The question is how small.

Leppefisker i merd svensen

More documentation needed for the efficacy of cleaner fish


Millions of cleaner fish are used in farm cages to eat lice off salmon every year. However, there is limited research into how efficiently they do this job. Now scientists have gone through all published studies in the field – and found large knowledge gaps.

kvalselkonsum 048

When the West Ice shrinks closer to shore, seals follow – into the jaws of polar bears


And that is just one of the challenges that seals face in a changing world. 

iskant i april

The Barents Sea has become cooler, pushing the marginal ice zone south


The Institute of Marine Research’s monitoring of the sea shows that temperatures have fallen in recent years.


The skrei is on its way


Right now, millions of northeast arctic cod (skrei) are migrating from the Barents sea to the Norwegian coast to spawn. They are the lucky few survivors.

Boreogadus saida polartorsk

Polar cod in climate crisis


The polar cod, a key species in the Barents Sea ecosystem, is struggling with recruitment due to warmer waters and declining sea ice cover. 

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Learning to reveal the secrets of the sea


Where do young marine researchers go to learn about the latest and greatest sonar technology? To a narrow fjord in western Norway, onboard RV G.O. Sars.

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How to cook blue mussels in four-ish minutes


Healthy, social and sustainable fast food. Marine biologist and foodie Arne Duinker shows you how easy blue mussels can be done.

Fiskearter fra Barentshavet

New report: The ocean can supply six times more food


The ocean can supply much of the food required to feed an ever growing world population, primarily through the sustainable expansion of marine aquaculture. But not without improved ocean management and new technology.

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Ocean Science Decade: From talk to action


Peter Haugan of the Institute of Marine Research has been asked to chair the national expert committee that will set the course for the Norwegian contribution to the UN Decade of Ocean Science.

Commercial snorkel

75 percent fewer salmon lice with new type of sea cage


Physically separating salmon from salmon louse larvae reduces infestation of salmon by 75 percent compared with a normal sea cage. This has now been scientifically demonstrated using a “snorkel” cage at a commercial fish farm.


Researchers stumble upon previously undiscovered coral reef in western Norway


They were testing methods to survey for corals when the IMR researchers discovered the “new” deep water coral reef Bukkarevet in the Hardangerfjorden threshold. 

Slide4 Vesteraalen sjark

Oil spills can cause long-term damage to our marine ecosystems


A new study by the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) shows that a major oil spill off the Lofoten and Vesterålen islands could produce long-term changes in the ecosystems in the Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea.

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Organic mineral supplements are better for fish and the environment


If farmed salmon receive the minerals in their feed in organic forms, they need smaller amounts of them to grow big and strong. As a result, less of these minerals enter the environment.

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Sustainable fisheries: Commitments are important, but cannot replace laws and institutions


The Institute of Marine Research has analyzed 182 Our Ocean commitments from the past five years. Overall, the commitments have mainly generated attention and funding. The direct impact on sustainable fisheries and management is less obvious.      

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Software revolutionises marine research


Researchers used to enter their survey data into cumbersome spreadsheets. These days they have StoX – a free, open source program, developed at the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) that has now been documented in an international research journal.

vibeke helene med makrellstørje

Bluefin tuna are hard to catch – marine scientists want to help


Hard to catch, may overheat and can’t cope with rough seas – those are just a few of the challenges for fishers targeting the world’s biggest tuna.

Havforsker Geir Ottersen

Alarm bells raised about ocean warming


Today the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is launching its special report on the oceans and cryosphere. Geir Ottersen, a scientist at the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) and one of the main authors of the report, is concerned about the changes taking place in the Arctic.

Is i Antarktis 2019 03 03

10 things you didn’t know about ice


Where is the world’s oldest ice found? And what will happen if the Greenland ice sheet melts? Climate scientists Anne Britt Sandø and Vidar Lien have the answers.

Maria Fossheim

Fish communities consolidate their move north


Fish communities from southern Norway have consolidated their significant move north. The Barents Sea may become home to as many as 25 new species as a result of climate change.

polartorsk Peter Leopold

The Arctic cod is facing problems as the ice disappears


The Arctic cod, the Arctic cousin of the Atlantic cod, is a key species in the northern Barents Sea. The whole ecosystem may therefore be destabilised by the spawning grounds of the Arctic cod shrinking as a result of declining sea ice cover.

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Haddock larvae have an internal compass


In a magnetic tank in which researchers can make north become south, “baby” haddock swim northwest.

makrellstorje i mexicogolfen

Scientists uncover the ''home'' of bluefin tuna in the North Atlantic


DNA testing reveals that the world’s biggest tuna cross the ocean frequently.