Havforsker Susanne Huneide Thorbjørnsen fikk snakket om flere viktige temaer da hun møtte statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre.
Fotograf: Stine Hommedal/HIPublisert: 07.11.2023 Oppdatert: 13.11.2023
Direktesendingen fra konferansen er midlertidig fjernet grunnet manglende teksting.
Wednesday November 8
09:00 Morning coffee
Theme: Awareness and prevention of gear loss
09:30 Keynote: Shaun McLennan, Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)
Driving best practice in ghost gear management – an MSC perspective
10:15 Joan Fabres, SALT
Fishing for Litter
10:30 Tone Berg, Ocean Space Acoustics AS
PingMe - Tracking Your Gear
10:45 Morning tea
11:00 Karl Klungland, Søgne Dykkerklubb
Fight against ghost fishing and litter locally (Volunteer work)
11:15 Gabrielle Dederer
11:30 Discussion: Awareness and prevention of gear loss
12:00 Lunch
Theme: Gear technology and Recycling
13:00 Keynote: Haraldur Arnar Einarson, HAFRO/FAO
Fishing Gear Technology and Recycling - Sustainable Practices for the Future
13:45 Niko Hänninen, CIRCNETS
Blue Circular Nets – promoting collection and recycling of EOL fishing gear in the European North
14:00 Karl Christian, SINTEF
Recycled and biodegradable plastics for marine applications: challenges and solutions
14:15 Stefanie Werner, Environmental Agency of Germany
Ending the use of Dolly Ropes in European trawl fisheries
14:30 Afternoon tea
14:45 SmartOcean
15:00 Neil Anders, Havforskningsinstituttet
The specification of biodegradable twine to limit ghost fishing in lost pots.
15:15 Helge Trettø Olsen, Resqunit AS
Preventive gear technology
15:30 Discussion: Gear technology and Recycling
16:00 End
19:00 Open public lecture at Arendal Cultural House
Bli med på en spennende reise – under havoverflaten
Tuesday November 7
09:00 Morning coffee and registration
09:30 Joel Baziuk, GGGI Welcome
Theme: Science and Management
10:00 Keynote talk: Kelsey Richardson, UTAS/CSIRO/FAO
Linking science to management solutions for Abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG)
10:45 Morning tea
11:00 Alf Ring Kleiven, Havforskningsinstituttet
Battling ghost fishing in Norwegian national parks
11:15 Kory Angstadt, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
USA Nationwide Fishing Trap, Removal, Assessment, and Prevention Program (TRAP)
11:30 Bård Aarbakke, Directorate of Fisheries
Management, regulation and reporting
11:45 Junko Toyoshima, Ocean Policy Research Institute
Identification of the origins of derelict fishing gear in Iriomote Island, Okinawa, Japan
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Paritosh Deshpande, NTNU
Navigating the Depths of ALDFG Management: Assessment of knowledge gaps for Guided Action in Global Waters
13:15 Alwyn Ponteen, Fisheries and Ocean Governance Adviser
Applying ALDFG Predictive Modelling as an Environmental Tool to Evaluate Ocean Sustainability, Protection, Growth and Well-being
13:30 Isara Chanrachkij, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Trial on the ALDFG Data Collection in Thailand - SEAFDEC lesson learnt from the Collaboration with FAO and Future Plan
13:45 Marina Petrovic, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Canada’s Approach to Ghost Gear Reduction – Programs, Policy and Connecting Data
14:00 Discussion: Science and Management
Theme: Technology for gear removal
14:20 Afternoon tea
14:50 Keynote: Tord Aslaksen, Green-bay AS
Removal of ghost gear using ROV's, towed cameras and AI gear detection
15:35 Per-Olof Samuelsson
Ghost gear retrieval methods along the Swedish west coast
15:50 Aleksander Bøe Sandøy, OceanFront
OceanFront creates a cleaner sea by using technology and innovative solutions
16:05 Discussion: Technology for gear removal
16:25 Poster session and boat visits
19:00 Conference dinner at Arendal Culture house
Havforskningsinstituttet er arrangør sammen med Fiskeridirektoratet.
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