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Atle Totland

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Avdeling: Akustikk og observasjonsmetodikk


Vitenskapelige artikler (NVI)


Kayak Drone – a silent acoustic unmanned surface vehicle for marine research

Atle Totland, Espen Johnsen
Frontiers in Marine Science 9

StoX: An open source software for marine survey analyses

Espen Johnsen, Atle Totland, Åsmund Skålevik, Arne Johannes Holmin, Gjert Endre Dingsør, Edvin Fuglebakk, Nils Olav Handegard
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 p. 1523-1528

Two mechanical rigs for field calibration of multi-beam fishery sonars

Sindre Vatnehol, Atle Totland, Egil Ona
Methods in oceanography 13-14 p. 1-12

Vertical migrations of a deep-sea fish and its prey

Pedro Afonso, Niall McGinty, Gonçalo Graça, Jorge Fontes, Mónica Inácio, Atle Totland, Gui Menezes

Quantifying and reducing the surface blind zone and the seabed dead zone using new technology

Atle Totland, Geir Odd Johansen, Olav Rune Godø, Egil Ona, Terje Torkelsen
ICES Journal of Marine Science 66 p. 1370-1376

The TS-probe, a new tool for improved in situ target strength measurement of fish and zooplankton.

Ona E., Svellingen I., Skeide R., Pedersen R., Totland A.
ICES WGFAST, Hobart, Tasmania, 27 – 30 March 2006. ICES CM 2006/FTC:01

Kamikaze calibration of bottom-mounted split beam transducers.

Patel R.,Ona E., Pedersen G., Steinsland A.,Johannessen R.,Godø O.R.,Torkelsen T.,Totland A., Svellingen I., Pedersen R.
Kamikaze calibration of bottom-mounted split beam transducers.

Can bioluminescence be the clue?

Godø O.R.,Ona E., Jameson A.,Pedersen G., Patel R.,Hjellvik V., Handegard N.O., Torkelsen T.,Totland A., Svellingen I., Pedersen R.
ICES WGFAST, Rome Italy, 19 – 22 April 2005. ICES CM 2005/B:05

Herring avoidance from a conventional and a noise – reduced vessel.

Handegard N.O., Ona E., Patel R.,Pedersen G., Hjellvik V., Godø O.R.,Torkelsen T.,Totland A., Svellingen I., Pedersen R.
ICES WGFAST, Rome Italy, 19 – 22 April 2005. ICES CM 2005/B:05

Measuring herring avoidance with a fixed ADCP.

Patel R., Ona E., Pedersen G., Hjellvik V., Handegard N.O., Godø O.R.,Torkelsen T.,Totland A., Svellingen I., Pedersen R.
ICES WGFAST, Rome Italy, 19 – 22 April 2005. ICES CM 2005/B:05

In situ measurement of research vessel noise.

Pedersen G., Ona E., Patel R.,Torkelsen T.,Totland A.
ICES WGFAST, Rome Italy, 19 – 22 April 2005. ICES CM 2005/B:05

Fish do still avoid survey vessel noise.

Ona E., Pedersen G., Patel R.,Hjellvik V., Handegard N.O., Godø O.R.,Torkelsen T.,Totland A., Svellingen I., Pedersen R.
ICES WGFAST, Rome Italy, 19 – 22 April 2005. ICES CM 2005/B:05

Measuring behaviour of single fish in response to an approaching vessel using a buoy mounted split-beam echosounder.

Handegard, N.O., Godø, O.R, Totland, A
Paper III in Handegards Dr. Scient. Thesis in Applied Mathematics

The use of acoustically equipped trawlers to study distribution

Godø, O.R., Totland A.
. ICES FAST WG, Bergen, Norway 18-21

The deadzone observer; a new tool for observing fish

Ona, E., Totland, A.,Vedler, T.
ICES FAST WG, Bergen, Norway 18-21 June 2003. ICES CM 2003/B:06

BEAM - an interactive GIS application for acoustic abundance estimation.

Godø, O.R., Totland A.
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Fisheries Science. Seattle, USA; p 195-201

Fish behaviour during sampling as observed from free floating buoys - Application for bottom trawl survey assessment.

Godø, O. R., Somerton, D. and Totland, A.
ICES CM 1999/J:10.

Bergen Acoustic Buoy (BAB) – A Tool For Remote

Godø, O.R. and Totland, A.
Joint IASA/EASA meeting. Berlin, March 1999. Paper

Effects of trawl sampling variability on precision of acoustic abundance estimates of gadoids from the Barents Sea and the Gulf of Alaska.

Godø, O.R, Karp, W.A. , Totland, A.
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 55:86.94.

A stationary acoustic system for monitoring undisturbed

Godø, O.R. and Totland, A.
ICES C.M. 1996/B:12: 1-11.

Migratory behaviour of reared Norwegian coastal cod and

Godø, O.R. and Totland, A.
. ICES 1995/G:11: 1.-6

Effects of different trawl sampling strategies on acoustic abundance estimates of cod and haddock in the Barents Sea.

Godø, O.R. and Totland, A.
ICES FAST W.G. Montpellier, France, April 25-29.

The use of transplantation-tagging experiments in studies of migratory diversity of cod off Norway.

Godø, O.R., Korsbrekke, K., Soldal, A.V. and Totland, A.
ICES 1994/Mini:12:1-12.

Fiskeåtferd og prøvetaking.

Godø, O.R. and Totland, A.
Sluttrapport NFFR-prosjekt nr 3001 - 701256. Rapport fra Senter for Marine Ressurser, nr 4, 1993.

Vitenskapelige foredrag


TAPF. A unit for testing the receiver of 38 kHz split-beam echo-sounders.

Svellingen, I. and Totland, A.
ICES FAST W.G. Montpellier, France, April 25-29 1994

Faglige foredrag


Towards a multi-platform armada strategy for ecosystem based marine surveys

Espen Johnsen, Nils Olav Handegard, Atle Totland, Arne Johannes Holmin, Cecilie Kvamme, Are Salthaug, Geir Huse

Acoustic measurements of herring close to the sea surface

Espen Johnsen, Atle Totland, Rokas Kubilius, Egil Ona

Broadband backscattering from tethered Atlantic mackerel

Rokas Kubilius, Gavin Macaulay, Egil Ona, Atle Totland, Tonje Nesse Forland

Broadband backscattering from artificial fish-like targets

Rokas Kubilius, Egil Ona, Gavin Macaulay, Atle Totland

Introduction to fisheries acoustics

Totland A.
Foredrag over 2 dager om prinsippene bak akustikk ved NARA i Sri Lanka. Bilateralt prosjekt

calibration of omni-directional fisheries sonar using split beam target positioning

Sindre Vatnehol, Hector Pena, Atle Totland, Gavin Macaulay, Egil Ona

Principals of ADCP current profiler

Totland A.
Foredrag ved NARA i Sri Lanka. Bilateralt prosjekt

Introduction to the use of LSSS acoustic post processing software

Totland A.
Foredrag ved NARA i Sri Lanka. Bilateralt prosjekt

Acoustic abundance estimation

Totland A.
Foredrag om teori for akustisk mengdeberegning ved NARA i Sri Lanka. Bilateralt prosjekt

"StoX" - an open source approach to survey calculations

Atle Totland, Harald Gjøsæter, Nils Olav Handegard, Espen Johnsen, Sjur Ringheim Lid

Calibration trails on a omni-directional fisheries sonar with the split beam method

Sindre Vatnehol, Gavin Macaulay, Egil Ona, Atle Totland

Calibration trials on a omnidirectional fishery sonar with the split beam method

Sindre Vatnehol, Atle Totland, Gavin Macaulay, Egil Ona

The Deadzone Observer – an autonomous instrument platform developed for investigating the acoustic dead zone.

Totland, A., Ona, E.
Russian – Norwegian workshop on survey development. Bergen, Norway, April 11-12 2007.

Real time scientific acoustic data collection from the office.

Pena, H., Totland, A., Vestrheim, L.
ICES WGFAST, Dublin, Ireland, 23-27 April 2007

”LIBAS” – a commercial trawler/purse seiner equipped for fisheries research.

Totland, A.
ICES SGAFV study group. 16-17 April 2004, Gdynia, Poland. ICES CM 2004/B:02

Automated biological sampling of fishing catches.

Totland, A.
ICES SGAFV study group. 16-17 April 2004, Gdynia, Poland. ICES CM 2004/B:02

VIKKHY - Visuell kvalitetskontroll av automatisk loggete hydrografi data med interaktiv oppretting av datasett dynamisk linket til grafisk fremstilling.

Sagen, H. Totland, A.
SNORRE norsk konferanse for brukere av SAS System. Oslo, Norge. 2. - 3. november. 1995

Rapporter og avhandlinger


Cruise report Hywind Tampen 13 to 28 March 2023 - Cruise no. 2023001004 G.O. Sars

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Henrik Søiland, Anne Sveistrup, Angelika Renner, Rebecca Ross, Frithjof Emil Moy, Mosttafa Bakhoday Paskyabi, Atle Totland, Sigurd Hannaas, Karen de Jong, Genoveva Gonzalez-Mirelis, Terje Hovland, Geir Pedersen, Jan Frode Wilhelmsen, Markus Majaneva, Sverre Waardal Heum, William Skjold, Stig Vågenes, Georg Skaret, Finn Corus, Andrey Voronkov, Leonard Kielland

Testing of trawl-acoustic stock estimation of spawning capelin 2023

Georg Skaret, Atle Totland, Maria Tenningen, Eilert Hermansen, Jarle A Kristiansen, Hector Pena

Testing of trawl-acoustic stock estimation of spawning capelin 2022

Georg Skaret, Hector Pena, Atle Totland, Maria Tenningen, Guosong Zhang

Does seismic have an effect on zooplankton? - Field study at Ekofisk with RV Kristine Bonnevie

Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Karen de Jong, Geir Pedersen, Thor A. Klevjer, Josefin Titelman, Espen Strand, Emilie Hernes Vereide, Saskia Kühn, Sigurd Hannaas, Atle Totland, Håvard Johnsen Buschmann, Marina Mihaljevic, Rune Strømme, Reidar Johannesen

Testing of trawl-acoustic stock estimation of spawning capelin 2021

Georg Skaret, Hector Pena, Atle Totland, Guosong Zhang, Lea Marie Hellenbrecht, Stine Karlson, Ronald Pedersen, Susanne Tonheim, Frøydis Rist, Valentine Anthonypillai

CRIMAC cruise report 2020116

Egil Ona, Nils Olav Handegard, Espen Johnsen, Rokas Kubilius, Rolf Korneliussen, Geir Pedersen, Atle Totland, Shale Rosen, Melanie Underwood, Lars N Andersen, Ivar Wangen, Eirik Svoren Osborg

Testing of trawl-acoustic stock estimation of spawning capelin 2020

Georg Skaret, Hector Pena, Atle Totland, Valentine Anthonypillai, Stine Karlson, Lage Drivenes, Jostein Røttingen, Frøydis Rist Bogetveit

Measuring distribution and density of sprat in Årdalsfjorden with a kayak drone - 15-16 August 2020

Espen Johnsen, Atle Totland, Cecilie Kvamme

Testing of acoustic stock estimation of spawning capelin

Hector Pena, Atle Totland, Jan Tore Øvredal

Autonomous Target Strength Collector.

Ona, E. Torkelsen, T. Totland, A.
Sluttrapport NFR prosjekt 143527/V30

Koordinering av data fra fiske og tokt.

Godø, O.R. and Totland, A.
Sluttrapport NFFR-prosjekt nr. 3001 – 7001.310
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