The role of habitat in predator-prey dynamics and its applications
Robert Lennox, Marius Kambestad, Saron Berhe, Kim Birnie-Gauvin, Steve J Cooke, Lotte Svengård Dahlmo, Sindre Håvarstein Eldøy, Jan Grimsrud Davidsen, Erlend Mjelde Hanssen, Lene Sortland, Dylan Shea, Cecilie Iden Nilsen, Helge Skoglund, Gaute Velle, Gustav Hellstrom, P. Lundberg, Claudia Junge, Keno Ferter, Knut Vollset
Restoration Ecology
Tag attachment innovation on spurdog (Squalus acanthias) reveals year-round coastal association of pregnant females in northeastern Atlantic waters
Claudia Junge, Keno Ferter, Antonia Klöcker, Otte Bjelland, Jon Albretsen, Robert Lennox, Finn Økland, Romaric Jac, Hector Antonio Andrade Rodriguez, Ole Thomas Albert
Journal of Fish Biology
Seasonal habitat use and diel vertical migration in female spurdog in Nordic waters
Antonia Klöcker, Ole Thomas Albert, Keno Ferter, Otte Bjelland, Robert Lennox, Jon Albretsen, Lotte Pohl, Lotte Svengård Dahlmo, Nuno Queiroz, Claudia Junge
Movement Ecology
Transboundary movements of porbeagle sharks support need for continued cooperative research and management approaches
Jenny R. Bortoluzzi, Grace E. McNicholas, Andrew L. Jackson, Antonia Klöcker, Keno Ferter, Claudia Junge, Otte Bjelland, Adam Barnett, Austin J. Gallagher, Neil Hammerschlag, William K. Roche, Nicholas L. Payne
Fisheries Research
Tag attachment innovation on spurdog (Squalus acanthias) reveals year-round coastal association of pregnant females in northeastern Atlantic waters
Claudia Junge, Keno Ferter, C. Antonia Klöcker, Otte Bjelland, Jon Albretsen, Robert Lennox, Finn Økland, Romaric Jac, Hector Antonio Andrade Rodriguez, Ole Thomas Albert
Journal of Fish Biology
Exploiting the “gold of the ocean”: Can live storage solve the paradox of the purse seine fishery for Atlantic bluefin tuna in Norway?
Manu Sistiaga, Neil Anders, Jostein Saltskår, Hermann Pettersen, Michael Breen, Odd Børre Humborstad, Hector Pena, Pau Muñoz-Benavent, Joaquin Martinez-Peiro, Gabriela Andreu-García, Victor Espinosa, Stein Harris Olsen, Tonje Kristin Jensen, Keno Ferter, Leif Nøttestad, Svein Løkkeborg
Marine Policy
The role of habitat in predator-prey dynamics and its applications
Robert Lennox, Marius Kambestad, Saron Berhe, Kim Birnie-Gauvin, Steve J Cooke, Lotte Svengård Dahlmo, Sindre Håvarstein Eldøy, Jan Grimsrud Davidsen, Erlend Mjelde Hanssen, Lene Sortland, Dylan Shea, Cecilie Iden Nilsen, Helge Skoglund, Gaute Velle, Gustav Hellstrom, P. Lundberg, Claudia Junge, Keno Ferter, Knut Vollset
Restoration Ecology
Atlantic bluefin tuna tagged off Norway show extensive annual migrations, high site-fidelity and dynamic behaviour in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea
Keno Ferter, Camille M.L.S. Pagniello, Barbara A. Block, Otte Bjelland, Michael R. Castleton, Sean R. Tracey, Theodore E. J. Reimer, Andreas Sundelöf, Inigo Onandia, Martin Wiech, Francisco Alemany, Leif Nøttestad
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences
Seasonal habitat use and diel vertical migration in female spurdog in Nordic waters
C. Antonia Klöcker, Ole Thomas Albert, Keno Ferter, Otte Bjelland, Robert Lennox, Jon Albretsen, Lotte Pohl, Lotte Svengård Dahlmo, Nuno Queiroz, Claudia Junge
Movement Ecology
Transboundary movements of porbeagle sharks support need for continued cooperative research and management approaches
Jenny R. Bortoluzzi, Grace E. McNicholas, Andrew L. Jackson, C. Antonia Klöcker, Keno Ferter, Claudia Junge, Otte Bjelland, Adam Barnett, Austin J. Gallagher, Neil Hammerschlag, William K. Roche, Nicholas L. Payne
Fisheries Research
Toward sustainable harvest strategies for marine fisheries that include recreational fishing
Ashley M. Fowler, Natalie A. Dowling, Jeremy M. Lyle, Josep Alós, Leif E. Anderson, Steven J. Cooke, Andy J. Danylchuk, Keno Ferter, Heath Folpp, Clifford Hutt, Kieran Hyder, Daniel K. Lew, Michael B. Lowry, Tim P. Lynch, Nicholas Meadows, Estanis Mugerza, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Domingos Garrone-Neto, Faith A. Ochwada-Doyle, Warren Potts, David Records, Scott Steinback, Harry V. Strehlow, Sean R. Tracey, Michael D. Travis, Jun-ichi Tsuboi, Jon Helge Vølstad, Rowan C. Chick
Fish and Fisheries
Post-release effects of catch and release angling for sea trout: Mortality, growth and wound healing
Christian Egander Skov, Keno Ferter, Niels Jepsen, Lars-Flemming Pedersen, Wolf-Christian Lewin, Casper Gundelund, Marc Simon Weltersbach
Fisheries Research
Digital fisheries data in the Internet age: Emerging tools for research and monitoring using online data in recreational fisheries
Robert Lennox, Valerio Sbragaglia, Knut Vollset, Lene Sortland, Loren McClenachan, Ivan Jarić, Meaghan L. Guckian, Keno Ferter, Andy J. Danylchuk, Steven J. Cooke, Robert Arlinghaus, William M. Twardek
Fish and Fisheries
p. 926-940
Assessment of fishing guide knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours in global recreational fisheries
M.W. Farthing, J. Mann-Lang, A.R. Childs, C.S. Bova, S.D. Bower, A.C. Pinder, Keno Ferter, A.C. Winkler, E.C. Butler, J.W. Brownscombe, A.J. Danylchuk, W.M. Potts
Fisheries Research
Catch and release angling for sea trout explored by citizen science: Angler behavior, hooking location and bleeding patterns
Christian Skov, Casper Gundelund, Marc Simon Weltersbach, Keno Ferter, Sissel K. Bertelsen, Niels Jepsen
Fisheries Research
Integrating complementary survey methods to estimate catches in Norway’s complex marine recreational hook-and-line fishery
Keno Ferter, Håkon Magne Otterå, Mary C. Christman, Alf Ring Kleiven, Marc Simon Weltersbach, Sofie Gundersen, Christine Djønne, Otte Bjelland, Bruce Hartill, Jeremy Lyle, Kieran Hyder, Trude Kristin Borch, Jon Helge Vølstad
ICES Journal of Marine Science
Expert opinion on using angler Smartphone apps to inform marine fisheries management: status, prospects, and needs
Christian Skov, Kieran Hyder, Casper Gundelund, Anssi Ahvonen, Jérôme Baudrier, Trude Borch, Sara deCarvalho, Karim Erzini, Keno Ferter, Fabio Grati, Tessa van der Hammen, Jan Hinriksson, Rob Houtman, Anders Kagervall, Kostas Kapiris, Martin Karlsson, Adam M. Lejk, Jeremy M. Lyle, Roi Martinez-Escauriaza, Pentti Moilanen, Estanis Mugerza, Hans Jakob Olesen, Anastasios Papadopoulos, Pablo Pita, João Pontes, Zachary Radford, Kryzsztof Radtke, Mafalda Rangel, Oscar Sagué, Hege A. Sande, Harry V. Strehlow, Rüdolfs Tutins, Pedro Veiga, Thomas Verleye, Jon Helge Vølstad, Joseph W. Watson, Marc Simon Weltersbach, Didzis Ustups, Paul A. Venturelli
ICES Journal of Marine Science
p. 967-978
First Assessment of the Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Global Marine Recreational Fisheries
Pablo Pita, Gillian B. Ainsworth, Bernardino Alba, Antônio B. Anderson, Manel Antelo, Josep Alós, Iñaki Artetxe, Jérôme Baudrier, José J. Castro, Belén Chicharro, Karim Erzini, Keno Ferter, Mafalda Freitas, Laura García-de-la-Fuente, José A. García-Charton, María Giménez-Casalduero, Antoni M. Grau, Hugo Diogo, Ana Gordoa, Filipe Henriques, Kieran Hyder, David Jiménez-Alvarado, Paraskevi K. Karachle, Josep Lloret, Martin Laporta, Adam M. Lejk, Arnau L. Dedeu, Pablo Martín-Sosa, Lllibori Martínez, Antoni M. Mira, Beatriz Morales-Nin, Estanis Mugerza, Hans J. Olesen, Anastasios Papadopoulos, João Pontes, José J. Pascual-Fernández, Ariadna Purroy, Milena Ramires, Mafalda Rangel, José Amorim Reis-Filho, Jose L. Sánchez-Lizaso, Virginia Sandoval, Valerio Sbragaglia, Luis Silva, Christian Skov, Iván Sola, Harry V. Strehlow, María A. Torres, Didzis Ustups, Tessa van der Hammen, Pedro Veiga, Leonardo A. Venerus, Thomas Verleye, Sebastián Villasante, Marc Simon Weltersbach, Lucía Zarauz
Frontiers in Marine Science
Development and evaluation of dynamic catch control devices in the demersal seine fisheries for cod (Gadus morhua)
Ólafur Arnar Ingólfsson, Odd Børre Humborstad, Keno Ferter, Shale Rosen
Journal of Ocean Technology
p. 92-106
Targeted risk assessment of mercury exposure of recreational fishers: Are nephrops fishers in Norway at risk?
Martin Wiech, Christine Djønne, Jeppe Kolding, Marian Kjellevold, Keno Ferter
Environmental science and pollution research international
p. 50316-50328
The comeback of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) to Norwegian waters
Leif Nøttestad, Erling Boge, Keno Ferter
Fisheries Research
Assessing the sublethal impacts of anthropogenic stressors on fish: An energy-budget approach
Joseph W. Watson, Kieran Hyder, Robin Boyd, Robert Thorpe, Marc Simon Weltersbach, Keno Ferter, Steven J. Cooke, Shovonlal Roy, Richard M. Sibly
Fish and Fisheries
p. 1034-1045
Field surveying of marine recreational fisheries in Norway using a novel spatial sampling frame reveals striking under-coverage of alternative sampling frames
Jon Helge Vølstad, Mary C. Christman, Keno Ferter, Alf Ring Kleiven, Håkon Magne Otterå, Øystein Aas, Robert Arlinghaus, Trude Borch, Jonathan Edward Colman, Bruce Hartill, Thrond Oddvar Haugen, Kieran Hyder, Jeremy Lyle, Martin Junker Ohldieck, Christian Skov, Harry Vincent Strehlow, Dave van Voorhees, Marc Simon Weltersbach, Edward D. Weber
ICES Journal of Marine Science
p. 2192-2205
Potential environmental impacts of recreational fishing on marine fish stocks and ecosystems
Wolf-Christian Lewin, Marc Simon Weltersbach, Keno Ferter, Kieran Hyder, Estanis Mugerza, Raúl Prellezo, Zachary Radford, Lucía Zarauz, Harry Vincent Strehlow
p. 287-330
The impact of marine recreational fishing on key fish stocks in European waters
Zachary Radford, Kieran Hyder, Lucía Zarauz, Estanis Mugerza, Keno Ferter, Raul Prellezo, Harry Vincent Strehlow, Bryony Townhill, Wolf-Christian Lewin, Marc Simon Weltersbach
Who is fishing on what stock: Population-of-origin of individual cod (Gadus morhua) in commercial and recreational fisheries
Per Erik Jorde, Alf Ring Kleiven, Marte Sodeland, Esben Moland Olsen, Keno Ferter, Sissel Jentoft, Halvor Knutsen
ICES Journal of Marine Science
p. 2153-2162
Estimating and mitigating post-release mortality of European eel by combining citizen science with a catch-and-release angling experiment
Marc Simon Weltersbach, Harry Vincent Strehlow, Keno Ferter, Thomas Klefoth, Martin de Graaf, Malte Dorow
Fisheries Research
p. 98-108
Estimating post-release mortality of European sea bass based on experimental angling
Wolf-Christian Lewin, Harry Vincent Strehlow, Keno Ferter, Kieran Hyder, Jan Niemax, Jens Peter Herrmann, Marc Simon Weltersbach
ICES Journal of Marine Science
p. 1483-1495
Recreational sea fishing in Europe in a global context—Participation rates, fishing effort, expenditure, and implications for monitoring and assessment
Hyder Kieran, Marc Simon Weltersbach, Mark Armstrong, Keno Ferter, Bryony Townhill, Anssi Ahvonen, Robert Arlinghaus, Andrei Baikov, Manuel Bellanger, Janis Birzaks, Trude Kristin Borch, Giulia Cambie, Martin de Graaf, Hugo M C Diogo, Lukasz Dziemian, Ana Gordoa, Ryszard Grzebielec, Bruce Hartill, Anders Kagervall, Kostas Kapiris, Martin Karlsson, Alf Ring Kleiven, Adam M Lejk, Harold Levrel, Sabrina Lovell, Jeremy Lyle, Pentti Miolanen, Graham Monkman, Beatriz Morales-Nin, Estanis Mugerza, Roi Martinez, Paul F O'Reilly, Hans Jakob Olesen, Anastasios Papadopoulos, Pablo Pita, Zachary Radford, Krzysztof Radtke, William Roche, Delphine Rocklin, Jon Ruiz, Callum Scougal, Roberto Silvestri, Christian Skov, Scott Steinback, Andreas Sundeløf, Arvydas Svagzdys, David Turnbull, Tessa van der Hammen, David van Voorhees, Frankwin van Winsen, Thomas J Verleye, Pedro Veiga, Jon Helge Vølstad, Lucia Zarauz, Tomas Zolubas, Harry Vincent Strehlow
Fish and Fisheries
p. 225-243
Survival of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) following catch-and-release angling
Keno Ferter, Audun H. Rikardsen, Tor Hatten Evensen, Martin Svenning, Sean R. Tracey
Fisheries Research
186 Part 3
p. 634-641
Exophthalmia in wild-caught cod (Gadus morhua L.): development of a secondary barotrauma effect in captivity
Odd Børre Humborstad, Keno Ferter, Harald Kryvi, Per Gunnar Fjelldal
Journal of Fish Diseases
p. 41-49
Hook shedding and post-release fate of deep-hooked European eel
Marc Simon Weltersbach, Keno Ferter, Florian Sambraus, Harry Vincent Strehlow
Biological Conservation
p. 16-24
Dive to survive: effects of capture depth on barotrauma and post-release survival of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in recreational fisheries
Keno Ferter, Marc Simon Weltersbach, Odd Børre Humborstad, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Florian Sambraus, Harry Vincent Strehlow, Jon Helge Vølstad
ICES Journal of Marine Science
p. 2467-2481
Catch-and-release of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua): post-release behaviour of acoustically pretagged fish in a natural marine environment
Keno Ferter, Hartmann Klaas, Alf Ring Kleiven, Even Moland, Esben Moland Olsen
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
p. 252-261
Towards more efficient longline fisheries: fish feeding behaviour, bait characteristics and development of alternative baits
Svein Løkkeborg, Sten Ivar Siikavuopio, Odd Børre Humborstad, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Keno Ferter
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries
p. 985-1003
Unexpectedly high catch-and-release rates in European marine recreational fisheries: implications for science and management
Keno Ferter, Marc Simon Weltersbach, Harry Vincent Strehlow, Jon Helge Vølstad, Josep Alós, Robert Arlinghaus, Mike Armstrong, Malte Dorow, Martin de Graaf, Tessa van der Hammen, Kieran Hyder, Harold Levrel, Anton Paulrud, Krzysztof Radtke, Delphine Rocklin, Claus Reedtz Sparrevohn, Pedro Veiga
ICES Journal of Marine Science
p. 1319-1329
Angler behaviour and implications for management - catch-and-release among marine angling tourists in Norway
Keno Ferter, Trude Kristin Borch, Jeppe Kolding, Jon Helge Vølstad
Fisheries Management and Ecology
p. 137-147
Communication between scientists, fishery managers and recreational fishers: lessons learned from a comparative analysis of international case studies
Michel Dedual, Oscar Sague Pla, Robert Arlinghaus, Adrian Clarke, Keno Ferter, Peter Geertz Hansen, Daniel Gerdeaux, Fern Hames, Steve Kenelly, Alf Ring Kleiven, Andreas Meraner, Bernd Ueberschaer
Fisheries Management and Ecology
p. 234-246